Hi, this is just a little about me: I don’t know if I’m actually depressed or not, or if everyone just feels this way sometimes, but I feel like I can’t do anything right. I haven’t been abused, I had a happy childhood, and I’ve never been bullied, but I’m just not happy. I have had to go through loss and my dad yells at me. I love him and he would never hurt me, but coming from him hurts so much worse than if it was some bully at school. I just feel like I can’t do anything right. I only have one close friend, I didn’t realise till last year she had depression (we’ve been friends since preschool), and I’ve never been in a relationship. But, I still have hope that I can focus on the small victories instead of beating myself down with my mistakes. Hold on to that hope, that one day you’ll realize you’re worth it. Let yourself believe your worth it, because you don’t have to fit in the neat box society has made for you. You don’t have to be skinny, you don’t have to have a “beautiful” face, you don’t always have to have a smile on your face, you don’t need to be what you think you need to be. You don’t need to be perfect. You already are. That’s what I think anyway.

This post was just so I could vent a little and make the world a little less dark in my life. Thanks for reading.