“Mind blowingly beautiful” is how Annalee Newitz at described the art work of Prophets of the Ghost Ants – Part One, The Roach Boy illustrated by Mozchops aka Paul Phippen.

My cross-genre novel depicts a future when humans adapt to a destroyed planet Earth by growing smaller with each generation until they are in parity with the planet’s only other survivors, insects and other arthropods.

I had always wanted to do an illustrated version of Ghost Ants — the content was just so visual and several reviewers and one well known author recommended I get some picture so readers could wrap their heads around the scale of the world. When I saw Mozchops’ graphic novel Salsa Invertebraxa, I knew that he was the artist to do it. His book was the Sistine Chapel of insect art and I knew he would respond to my novel. He’s an illustrator in the ranks of Gustav Dore, Maxfield Parrish and James Gurney. I am really excited to see what he does for Part 2, A People of the Blood.

The book is available as a Kindle ebook at Amazon.

More info:

Anand and his family approach the camp of the Roach Clans

Riding a Soldier Ant Into War

Pioneers Hauling the Ant Queens to a New Colony


The High Priests Enter the Stadium to Conduct the Fission Lottery


Anand Defends Himself Against a Moon Roach

Map of the United Queendoms