New Zealand is one of the most kid-friendly places I’ve ever been to. I’ve been travelling with my little girl since she was a year old. Now that she’s a toddler, I bring her nearly everywhere with me. I found these five amazing kid-friendly features in a New Zealand mall and just had to share them.

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1.Parent-Child Toilets

If you’re a mom out with a kid who needs to pee (or maybe you’re the one who really needs to go), you’ll know what a lifesaver this is!

2. Beautiful Parent Rooms for Feeding and Nappy Changes

Feeding, changing, hanging out with your kids…you can do it all here. And dads are welcome, too!

3.Free Fruit at the Supermarket

It went viral a few months ago and was mistakenly tagged as a supermarket in the US, but this is actually in New Zealand. It’s being done by Countdown – one of the largest supermarket chains in the country. And yes, the fruit is free.

4. Huge, Thoughtfully Designed Play Areas


They have huge play areas that are bigger than you can imagine! Kids and kids-at-heart play there.

5. Strollers You Can Borrow


Kid fell asleep before you got to the mall? No worries, you can just borrow a stroller from the mall concierge if you didn’t bring one.