On the contrary, these images, tweets, photos that we share here are sublimation of all the events that have revolved in the past couple of months around Standing Rock to date. They portray a true unity of us humans – something that we should always recall and remember, bear it with pride and grace, hold on to it and make it our source of wisdom, courage and inspiration.

The past couple of months have really been a journey of life, a unity, of new brotherhood and sisterhood that did not recognize divisions by race, gender, sexuality, religion or nationality. In fact, we can only further endorse the story of the Oceti Sakowin Camp as historic gathering of not only tribes and indigenous people, but so many allies and people from all walks of life. They have all come together to stand with Standing Rock in solidarity, and to halt the murky Dakota Access Pipeline, a project that supposedly is to supply light sweet crude oil from North Dakota to reach major refining markets. But what is the price to pay for that?

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More info:

#1 Everybody understands how serious this is. Even children stand with Standing Rock

#2 This is endorsed to be the best News photo of the US in 2016. Do you agree?

#3 Stand with Standing Rock peaceful march event. Described as one with special energy

#4 Buddhists made their statement of support as well


#5 Back in August there were over 4,000 who stood with Standing Rock. That was just the beginning

#6 Anon donor paid $2.5 million to release everyone arrested at the Dakota Access Pipeline

#7 Dakota Resource Council Stands in Solidarity with Standing Rock

#8 Native Actor Beach Stands with Standing Rock Sioux Nation


#9 It’s far from all being bright and shiny. This type of treatment actually breaks my heart

#10 And this is as if the Nazi have attacked!


#11 That has not stopped clergies from very different faiths to publicly repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery

#12 Last but not least, an emotional moment with a protector as the police descends on November 3