“Colour Your City!” This is the slogan of art events taking place in many cities of the world. People go out to the streets and colour the walls, fences, stairs, turning them into pieces of art.

A similar art flash mob named “Montenegro Paradise Garden” took place in Budva (Montenegro). This event was organized by Dukley Hotel and Resort.

Before the beginning of the event, artist Egor Khodeyev painted the long wall with outlines of fantastic flowers and plants. This is how an enormous colouring page appeared. The size of the colouring page is over 200 square meters, which is impressive enough to fit The Guinness Book of World Records! All the volunteers, tourists and residents of Budva took paints and brushes and coloured the wall. The empty wall turned into a fairy paradise garden thanks to the professional artist’s mastery and the creative imagination of the art flash mob participants. This art event has become a social event of a spontaneous collective work of people from Montenegro, Serbia, Germany, Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Bosnia, Croatia, France, Italy, Turkey and Holland.

In addition, this social event has presented the town of Budva with another admirable place of interest: from now on, holidaymakers have the pleasure of taking a photo of themselves in front of the bright, fairy Paradise Garden!