Naked human colossi raised for 18 hours in Klafthmonos Square, Athens, Greece, until they got banned.

Chris Verdonck’s vivid murals are giant naked figures inspired by the Caryatids. The new series of “Stills” was especially produced for Athens and for Onassis Cultural Centre’s Fast Forward Festival 2.

The figures where projected for five days on the facades of buildings in Klafthmonos Square, a central area of Athens where many homeless people live on the streets, though nobody seems to care about them. The Giants lived for so little due to complaints from many passersby, including a priest who contacted police regarding the work’s aesthetic.

“The basic idea of Stills is the Caryatids, but the projected characters are not that heroic, they are just everyday people like you and me, questioning ideologies” says Kris Verdonck about his conception. “Stills” were originally created in order to be projected on Mussolini’s imperial buildings-monuments of the fascist ideology, he praised.

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