Poison Dart Frog is a species of frog are included in the family Dendrobatidae, frog species has a very striking color include red, purple, blue, green, yellow and many other colors. Frogs from Central and South America is mostly red skin color is quite striking, with the aim to warn potential predators at bay.

This frog uses poison to defend themselves and look in various colors and patterns. What is truly unique about this poison dart frog is the way the native tribes of the Guiana Shield use. They massage the skin young parrots with frogs, and the toxic effects of poison frogs make bird feathers grow in different colors – it is used as the name of this frog. This toxin is also used by tribes for hunting purposes.

Toxins that exist on this frog will work when the frog is touched, quite dangerous poison frog owned this. The toxin can cause cessation of heartbeat in large animals that touch it.

but from it all these frogs are beautiful to behold, bright colors and cute little body will continue to tempt us to enjoy the beauty color. but you do not dare to hold unprotected, it can be endanger you, here are some photos that I can share

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