Mrs Plop met her first ‘Mouseling’ in 1805 when as a young girl, she was working as a scullery maid for the Snortin-Forfarth-Blatchingham family in Buckinghamshire. One day, while she was carrying out her usual daily chores, a little grey mouse appeared before her, as if from nowhere. He was carrying a little sign which read ‘Will Work For Cheese’ The little mouse was crying and he told Mrs Plop that he was Homeless. the young Mrs Plop – who felt her heart would break into tiny pieces whenever she saw a sad or hurt animal – wiped away his tears, and told him he could live with her, and he would never be homeless again. She fed him cheese every day and made a bed for him out of one of her slippers. In return, he worked his little heart out and he is still with her to this very day (he’s very old too, you see)

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