Hi, my dear reader. Recently I graduated BA program of Product Design in Moscow, Russia. And now I am glad to show you my degree project called Iris.

Iris is not just a table lamp. This is the system based on the researches of the influence of light on user’s behaviour and mood. The results of these researches show that warm subdued lighting makes people more relaxed, whereas cold bright lighting stimulate working process and increase the
level of concentration. Iris gives the opportunity to set these parameters due to the needs of user.

Name of the project links the part of the eye. Natural response of this part of body to light influenced the creation of iris diaphragm which is used in this lamp. The diaphragm in Iris is made from the transparent yellow plastic. Because of this bright cold lighting from light bulb becomes more smooth, warm and dark. Therefore users can control the level of diaphragm opening and set the lighting according to their activity.

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