A darkly humorous, meticulously hand-embroidered take on the emotional impact of my eating disorder. I wanted to confront and share my obsession in an approachable, if unusual way,

Whilst appearing to the casual observer as intricate, highly accurately embroidered renditions of popular confectionery logos, this series hides a darker secret. Subtly subverting the messages of many a recognisable chocolate brand, my stitch skills combine with darkly humorous puns to comment on the emotional impact of an eating disorder. What is fundamentally a destructive condition is transformed here in to something aesthetically pleasing, yet perhaps made all the more poignant for its subtext.

The medium of hand stitch is essential to the execution of these designs: a slow, intense, often obsessive process whose unwavering attention to detail mirrors the obsession of an eating disorder. I don’t use a machine!

I trained at the Royal School of Needlework but am proud to consider my subject matter a little more perverse than their traditional pet portraits and flower arrangements….

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