The romance novel world is inundated with werewolf and shifter romances. I am an avid reader of these novels, yet they have always left me flat somehow. Mainly because the horror aspect of it all has been either left out or majorly toned down in order to make it more appealing to the masses, I suppose. Boring.

I have been a fan of werewolves and romance since I became a pre-teen in the 80’s. I’ve been a full time, professional artist for over sixteen years now, and I have always wanted to be a writer. So why not write the werewolf romance novel I’ve always wanted to read? A spicy, erotic one with cursed, bestial werewolves and the sensual, sexy men and women who turn into them. Let’s throw in a little 80’s glam metal for nostalgia’s sake (and a few laughs), and set it in my beloved redwoods. While we’re at it, let’s make it a series with an intriguing story line and the possibility for offshoot novels. And since I love to draw, why not throw in a few drawings?

An illustrated, erotic werewolf romance series? Why not? Sounds like a plan.

So I have written my first novel “Hunger” and am self-publishing so I can design and produce it the way I want to. The hardcover versions will have the illustrations in them (the paperbacks and eBooks will just be for enjoying the writing). Right now I have three novels planned, with a possibility for more.

I am currently taking pre-pre-orders for the first novel, Hunger, via my IndieGoGo campaign, where you can get the book early, as well as other exclusive goodies.

To find more of my artwork, go to

More info:

My main character Kain in his werewolf form, a piece I did for the promotional bookmark. I do a wash of watercolors first, then I add details with colored pencils.


The main (male) character from my novels, Kain. Part of the promotional bookmark.

The main female character, Autumn.

My werewolves, called the Kierrn, are rageful and passionate, supernatural beasts in every sense of the word with their own magics. The females are especially powerful.


A werewolf queen? Hell yes, it’s happening.

This is the cover of the book, which I painted in acrylics, then designed myself.

When werewolves go bad(der). The Eater.


As I am writing, I tend to draw certain scenes in my sketchbook. So far it has been for my own amusement, but why not share? Each hardcover book will have its own unique illustrations.


Would you like to meet my characters and read their love story? Check out my funding campaign to get the first book before anyone else!