Every Friday I pick a random product, I disassemble it, examine it and make a stop motion story with its parts. Every week the result is completely different and unexpected. Sometimes it takes me a day to finish my animated story, sometimes it takes up to 5 days.

Tinker Friday is a hobby that turned into a side project on Instagram. I love disassembling products to learn more about how they work, how all the pieces come together, it’s like a puzzle to me! It all started with just a casual exploration of parts and then I started rearranging the dismantled product pieces into new characters, objects and stories.

Most of the products you see are old broken junk that I collect. We consume too many things to the point that we forgot the amount of work that was put into bringing even the tiniest pieces of things! I hope after seeing my videos you will see “junk” differently.

Here are some of my videos:

More info: Instagram

What’s inside a pocket Camera?

Lil creature DJing! I bet you didn’t see this one coming!

What’s inside a shaver?

Advanced lil creatures! Fetching/mowing the lawn! I wish I had their multitasking skills!

What’s inside a sony mp3?



Lil creature wanted to get a makeover! But you look best when you are your true self.

What’s inside a Cassette adaptor?

Lil creature in tight pants… apparently! Now known as Cassetta Von Dancinparts!