It’s freezing.

It’s freezing for more than a month now and it barely happens in Budapest. There are ice floes coming down the river, which is a very rare event (I’ve seen it only two times in my life) and now they’re part of the everyday view. They became normal to people who live here.

However I find this natural phenomena enthralling.

As a photographer I wanted to record this event, since I have no clue when it happens again. I had to cope with the extreme cold, the wind and sometimes I risked my health and gear for a better angle. Many times I had to wait long to be alone on the spot, avoid shaking of the bridge, or revisit a location, because of the fast dying batteries.

The combination of nature’s rare beauty with this fascinating city made it obvious, that I choose black and white photography. I love black and white. Black and white clears the image; it lets the viewers concentrate on the shapes, arches and small details. With black and white, you can create true art. And I believe, Nature made Budapest a true art piece during the past month.

None of the pictures are manipulated.









