Canadian sculptor and blacksmith Jeff de Boer creates impressive metal armor for cats and mice based on different historical eras. He started making these sculptures over 30 years ago as a little side project on his sculpting class. The side project eventually turned out to be the work of a lifetime. From ancient samurai armor to Renessaince knight armor suits – over these years Jeff has created too many of them to count himself.

Jeff uses various metals for his creations, but mostly bronze and copper. One tiny Medieval armor for a mouse takes from 10 to 40 hours to make, and a cat armor takes from 50 to 200 hours. He has tried putting the shields on his cat only once and still has the scars.

Recently, Jeff published a book featuring some of his favorite pieces. Looking at this meticulously crafted armor, we can’t help but imagine that these Persian shields and Tudor armors are what mice and cats would wear in the eternal war between two old enemies.

More info: | Facebook (h/t: ufunk)

Dragon Cat

Bat Cat



Samurai Siamese


Crusader army

Tournament Cat

15th Century Maximilian Rat



Tournament Cat


Tournament Mice

Persian Cat

Gladiator Cat Helmet

White Knight Cat

Elven Princess


Persian Cat and Crusader Mouse

Edo Period Samurat General