Hundreds of thousands of animals live in ZOOs all over the planet. While some of them are very well treated, most suffer unimaginably. They are depressed, starved and hurt. All this while being confined in small spaces, much smaller than what they would normally need. They have no privacy, they endure loud noises, flashes, hits and this goes on for years. Some of the animals spend all their lives in ZOOs, never seeing the wild.

This is not normal and it should stop. We should celebrate and enjoy wildlife in the wild, not in our cities. I saw Giraffes in freezing cold, Rhinos locked up “for winter” in cells just slightly bigger than their size trying to get out. Bears hitting their heads or laying down in sadness. Chimps that look depressed, as well as Gorillas and other primates. I saw mice desperately trying to get out, eagles trying to fly only to get caught in the net above. And it all made me sick.

I made this video to raise this topic to all of you. I’ve been to a lot of ZOOs in the past years ranging from really bad ones to one of the world’s greatest. However, EVERYWHERE I saw the same sad animal faces. EVERYWHERE.

Let’s do something about this.

Please share.

Am I a criminal?