A year ago we have decided to take a stroll on the roof of Europe. To go on an adventure to circumvent Mont Blanc! The stroll took us through 3 different countries- France, Italy and Switzerland. It allowed us to rever the alps from different angles. It took us only 170 Km, 9 days and a bucket of sweat. We wild camped mostly enjoying the stars and the towering mountains like giants that guarded us throught the journey.

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Starting point – Les Houches (France) 1 008 m.

Col de Voza 1680 m.

Our first night wild camping, somewhere in the bushes with a friendly company.


Col de Tricot ( 2120 m) and a bunch of thieves.

A Himalayan-style suspension bridge (1650 m) and a roaring glacial torrent which was a peaceful rest stop before we continued our hike.

A beautiful valley near Refuge de Miage (1550 m), a spot which was perfect lunch location near the mountain streams.


Fantastic place to sleep at La Balme (1708 m), surprisingly with a free camping spot. There were a public WC and a water tap near the camping area as well.


La Balme from a distance.

On the way to Col de Fours (2665 m).

One night we slept near Refuge des Mottets, next to the mountain river. It stays at an altitude of 1864 meters, craved in the Valley of Glaciers, south of Mont Blanc.


On the way to French – Italian border – Col de la Seigne 2516 m.


Ascending along with sunrise. Each step was followed by a timid ray of sunshine flashing through the mountain cracks.

Natural French – Italian border – Col de la Seigne 2516 m.

Rifugio La Casermetta Espace Mont-Blanc.

Incredibly refreshing lake in Val Veny valley.


Val Veny Valley.

Refugio Giorgio Bertone 1996 m.

Natural Border between Italy and Switzerland – Grand Col Ferret 2537 m

We walked through Swiss mountain valleys and crossed a few small farming villages with no sign of modern touch.


Champex lake 1466 m

Fenetre d’Arpette 2665 m (Switzerland)

Refuge Les Grands 2113 m (Switzerland).

Refuge Les Grands 2113 m (Switzerland).

Col de Balme (2195 m) A natural border between Switzerland and France.

Lac Blanc 2352 m (France).


Like all adventures, it arrived suddenly with a bang and was over in a flash. The end of the great Mont-Blanc story.