The Poklade (busó festivities) is a tradition of the sokac ethnic group in Southern Hungary, held in Mohács. It is a UNESCO cultural heritage since 2009. Men (adults and children as well) are dressed as “busó”, wearing wooden horned masks and wool cloaks scaring the winter away. They and their companions, the “jankele” are visiting houses (sometimes uninvited), have fun, do mischieves, entertain and scare people and eventually light a huge bonfire on the last night.

Instead of documenting the tradition (as it’s been documented countless times already) I my goal was to submerge and “go backstage”. Many “busós” usually refuse to be photographed without their mask (especially if their mask is also visible on the photo) as they try to protect their identity and cover. I have built friendships in the “buso” communities and thus had the opportunity to photograph “from the inside”.

More info: Facebook