Until recently I was in a rug and incredibly unfit and unhealthy. I was 16stone/100kg and I know 5’8″ so you get the picture. I had done no exercise j almost 3 years and smoked heavily.

Since my daughter was born though I knew I needed to change that and I picked up my camera and put down the cigarettes. I started hiking around Ireland and climbing/hiking some of the beautiful mountains dotted around the country. These are my favorites so far.

For the record. I haven’t smoked in a month and I’m down 5kg. Progress.

The cliffs. Ballybunion Co Kerry

Glendalough Co Wicklow

Slieve Binnian Co Down

Slieve Donard Co Down


Summit. Slieve Binnian. Co Down

Glendalough Co Wicklow

Glendalough Co Wicklow


Tibradden Co Dublin


Connor Pass Co Kerry