{Disclaimer}: I know we all look for posts with lots of pictures and glitter. But please have a look at this thing right here. It might be worth your while.

So let’s roll.. When was the last time you were thankful to someone? Or, how many times were you thankful today? May be once.. at the most twice? Now, I am assuming it was out of sheer habit of saying “Thank You” and not because you meant it. I know it might need some introspection and if you have started already, I must say good going!

Now, it is actually very often that we are bored or even exhausted of simply scrolling down our social media wall. Social media! A boon and even a curse when given too much (read unnecessary) attention. It cuts us from the real world and makes us dive in a world full of artificial surrounding. Where there are very-true-but-unreal posts and hours and hours of simply scrolling down the screen. It does not only takes away the joy of reading, flipping pages and finishing reading a book for real but also disconnects us from people. Wondering what does all this have to do with words like Attitude of Gratitude? Well, let me help you with that one..

People! Our most priced possession are definitely (without a second thought) more enjoyable and even humorous to be with. I mean just imagine video chatting with a dear one v/s actually enjoying a conversation with the same person. What would you prefer? No points for guessing, we all would go for the later option.

We come across many situations where we need help and there come these people/things to save our day. It might be our parents giving us the best advice ever or even a stranger giving us directions. No matter how big or small the help is, we can always pay our heartiest gratitude to them. By acknowledging this help we not only recognize their efforts but, this also reflects our own value system. Let me tell you, this glorifies that particular moment and also help us become a better person.


Now you would ask how? You see when we are thankful to the one who helped us, we automatically inherit the passion to help others. It’s like a chain reaction really!

I am writing this article because I intend to spread this concept to more and more people out there. So here I am, thanking my family, teachers, mentors and friends who helped me knowingly or unknowingly to be a better person that I am today. On that note, I am also thankful to my bike which did not stop functioning in the middle of night in heavy rains and even to my favorite ice-cream which refused to melt until I have finished it. Speaking of which, thank ‘you’ so very much for reading this article till the end.

More info:

Because it all adds up to how happy we are!

And finally, do you have an answer for this?! Please post your answers comment section coz its time to let it all out. .