I made these OCs, some drawn some made with a aname (idk spelling) maker.

Ash (demon)

Sapphire (dragon)

Lilith (dark angel tiger thing)

Ella (wolf)


Lightning (lion based off of someone else’s OC)

Stony (stone wolf dog)

Idk plz give me ideas for her/him/them

Also dont know (pls give me ideas)


Frozetta( human w/ ice powers?)

Rosie(bunny butterfly

Octo and jellybean (octopus and jellyfish)

Alex(half light half dark demon)

Rowan ( wolf) he/her/them (goes by all three)


Swirl(wolf)[rarely has ears up just drew this for fun]

Swirl( wolf)

Doesnt have a name(wolf)[yes ik that the ponytail it in front if the ear idk what I was thinking)


Caramel le sundae (friends OC that I redrew

Kate (doggo)

Azi(cat angel)

Autumn(demon wolf angel thing)[idk]