My mind can wander as I try to apply sermons to real life. Visual notetaking helps me stay focused on the sermon and remember the message. A bonus is that it helps others get the message as well. Our pastors are awesome but to apply truth to our life we have to remember it. Sermon sketchnotes helps me do that.

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I started slowly

When I began I would freak out trying to capture everything during the service. So I would spend time after church to layout my notes.

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I had fun in this quiet time it would even experiment with watercolors, but I wanted to learn to sketchnote live.

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A Bloody Affair

Many times the subject matter isn’t puppy dogs and rainbows. So it is a challenge to captured an image in my somewhat cheerful style.

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Making fun connections


But my confidence slowly grew and I was able to put together notes live during service and publish to instagram before leaving church. I was also stressed less and having enough fun to add my own fun references.

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Conference Speakers

My personal win was spending two days live sketching a conference. The speakers fly in from another state and get just an hour or so to speak. This was a lot of information coming out fast to capture live.

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Coloring Pages

A church member told me about how her memory had been affected by a brain injury. Reading the sermon sketchnotes would help her retain the sermon. I started making some black and white version to be used as coloring pages.

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Defining a style

Now I have settled into a style that allows me to create one page summaries live.

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Digital notetaking


… and I have been experimenting with using a Surface Pro to take digital notes.

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Publishing a collection


This has led to a fun project. After the encouragement of old and new friends, I am making a full-color collection of my sermon sketchnotes so far.

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