Steak is more versatile than you might have previously thought. Here are 10 ways to eat stake around the world.

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“Steak is powerful. Steak is reassuring. Steak is King.” — Mark Schatzker

Kalbi Flank Steak

How to cook: Cook on a hot grill for 5 mins on each side and then rest for 5 mins

Steak Tartare

How to cook: Add steak to dressing of egg yolks, lemon juice, oil, mustard, salt and onions

Slow roast rump

How to cook: Slow roast for 4-5 hours at 75°c

Chuleton de Buey

How to cook: Barbecue over hot coals for 3 mins on each side and slice

Kobe Wagyu


How to cook: Cook on a very hot grill for 1-2 mins on each side, then rest for 5-10 mins.

New York Strip

How to cook: Grill or pan fry on a high heat until cooked to liking



How to cook: Traditionally cooked in the sun, but you can grill it over charcoal for a few minutes until cooked.


How to cook: Barbecue for 10-15 mins on one side, then turn over and cook for a further 5 mins. Rest for 10-20 mins before eating.

Bistecca alla Fiorentina

How to cook: Barbecue over burning hot coals for 5-10 mins on each side, rest for 10 minutes and serve rare.

Bife de chorizo

How to cook: Lay the steak on the grill and slow cook for 40 minutes (depending on weight), turning only once half way through.