Where most of us see little more than the potential for Sunday brunch, professional designer and NY Bronx native Avril Korman sees the ingredients for something extraordinary. Eggrotech: A Fragile Anger is the showplace for Korman’s unique creations, each of which has its humble start right in her kitchen fridge.

Utilizing jeweler’s tools, sculpting putty, a variety of paint and dye methods, a plethora beads and other decor items, Korman transforms her fresh-from-the-farm oblong canvases into vibrant works of art.

While most who dabble with egg-based artwork opt for tougher and more forgiving ostrich eggs, Korman says she prefers chicken eggs due to the creative challenges they pose. To say nothing of the perk that after hollowing out the 2” to 3” shells, she can employ their contents for breakfast and baking between commissions.

Some of her more time-consuming commissioned projects have been from fans of sports or other entertainment niches who crave that one-of-kind collector’s item for their personal passion. That can mean anything from recreating Cinderella’s Castle at Walt Disney World to NY Yankee Stadium on the side of a 2″ egg.

More info:

New Orleans Mardi Gras Eggrotech

Sakura Eggrotech

Dragon Egg Eggrotech In Hand

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Giraffe Eggrotech

Breaking Bad Eggrotech

NY Yankees Eggrotech

Old Yankee Stadium Eggrotech


Disney Castle Eggrotech