We are Bruck and Fontes, a creative team at Clubhouse Studios, a small ad agency in London. Ben & Jerry’s is one of our clients in the agency and the one we’ve worked with the most as a junior team (and interns before that!).

We do everything from start to finish, from the creative idea to the production, we do it all in (Club)house. Sometimes the ideas are fun and sometimes mouth watering, sometimes the production is easy and sometimes it’s really hard work.

After over a year at the agency, we decided to put together some behind the scenes pictures next to the final results. We called the project “Behind The Scoops”.

More info: behindthescoops.tumblr.com

Edward Spoonhands

Make Like a Phish…

All Ice in Wonderland

Milk and Cookie Shots


Brownie Psycho

Office safety


Cup Cup and away

We’re Going to Need a Bigger Spoon



Peanut Butter Spread

Bubble Up

Taste a Peel

Internet Cookies


For the Peanut Lovers



Explicit Content

Phresh Phish


Where We Are Going We Don’t Need Spoons