50 Times Women Were Put Into Awkward Situations By Men And Called Them Out Online
Dating and relationships are difficult even on a good day. And good days are pretty rare. Unfortunately, that is the reality everyone lives in when navigating the romantic world. Especially women. But at least they have a place to vent.
The subreddit r/FemaleDatingStrategy has 175K members (or as it calls them, queens), constantly discussing their love lives, and that includes all the nonsense that arises too. Continue scrolling and check out what they have to say.
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Men Only Bringing The Audacity, Yet Again, To The Table!
Took me a sec to realize it, but good going. You have to consider yourself first.
To help you get a better understanding of these posts, Bored Panda got in touch with dating coach, 2 million view TED speaker, and media personality Hayley Quinn. She believes that "dating is different for men and women. However, you'd be wrong to think that one gender has it easy."
"Instead men and women often face equal and opposite problems to one another," Quinn said. "Guys might struggle to think of how to approach a woman, and women (who traditionally and maybe wrongly) have been told they can't make the first move and so panic over where they can find all the guys that want to approach them."
Say It Louder For The People In The Back!!
Poetic Justice
In the world of online dating, Quinn also sees noticeable disparities. "Guys may feel like they're having to move heaven and earth to get one lousy response from a woman, whilst women can feel overwhelmed and harassed by unsuitable suitors," she explained. "Men could usually learn from women that they need to have higher standards for the women they interact with, and women could take a leaf out of men's dating and learn how they too can be proactive."
Some Men Need To Learn This
This goes for everybody. Treat others the way you want to be treated
“Nudes?” He Asked Hopefully
In 2020, the Pew Research Center surveyed Americans to find out more about their love life. While single-and-looking men and women reported equal levels of dissatisfaction with their dating lives and the ease of finding people to date, women were more likely to say they have had some particularly negative experiences.
Most women who were single and looking to date (65%) said they have experienced at least one of six harassing behaviors asked about in the survey from someone they were dating or had been on a date with, such as being touched in a way that made them uncomfortable or rumors being spread about their sexual history.
When you made an effort and treated her well and when you just stopped.
Stop Normalizing Men’s Immaturity
"Though men might think women have guys queuing up to date them (which sounds great right?) in reality women face plenty of dating challenges," Quinn said. "They may feel emotionally drained by dating, as they push through dates where they don't feel a connection. If they're seeking a relationship they may struggle to tell which guy's going to be in for the long haul, and who will disappear at the first inkling of commitment. They may even not know how to get offline and actually meet men in real life; and get stuck in the belief that all the 'good men' have run out, and it's impossible to meet someone."
The dating coach added that women also face significantly more judgement around things like their age, which can be a challenge on dating apps; and more scrutiny for expressing their sexuality. "So don't think that just because she's got a queue of potential suitors that she's not having a hard time dating."
We all can be douches to one another. Let's not.
That Really Puts It In Perspective
And it's always on us, don't dress that way, don't walk there, don't provoke. When it happens we didn't fight enough, fought too hard, didn't say no, didn't mean it when we said it. If we report it we get blamed, re traumatized by questions and rape kits that are then left untouched, called liars.
Agree entirely and this is one of the reasons I hate Disney movies
100% True For Me
I feel a drop off interest on men (thanks a lot) when I say my husband is a police officer or a jujitsu master.
A Queen Grandmama
Cracks Me Up Every Time
They Will Always Make “Single Mothers” The Villains To Shift Blame From Male Predators Or Male Parental Child Neglect
Speaks For Itself
Perfect Way To Deal With Their “Jokes”
Be A Hvm In All Aspects Of Life
I always support the allies, reminding them how much I value them.
How Many Of You “Developed” Issues While In A Relationship? I’ll Go First: Depression And Anxiety. Cured As Soon As We Broke Up
Keep It Real Out There
Hvm Right There. Take Note Scrotes
I Got You, Babe
Nothing But Truth
Where Is The Lie?
Being Decent Isn’t Difficult
Geee I Wonder Why
This Almost Makes Me Want To Redownload Dating Apps To Do The Same!
Even A 35 Yo Man Has These Same Meltdowns But They're The Logical Sex!!!
Watch The Way Men Treat Women They're Not Attracted To
The Message
Mom Praising Son-In-Law For The Bare Minimum
My husband stayed with our kids as infants while I worked. Everyone went on and on about how amazing he was (and he was) but then we switched roles this past year and I hear how “lucky I am to GET to stay home” and how bad they feel he works long hours. B****! I pumped breast milk on the floor of a unisex bathroom while still taking phone calls.
Why Are Males?
Leave Him In The Dust
This Is Why We Can’t Even Trust The “Good” Guys
Keep Your Friends Safe!
Used Or New, We Will Run You Over
Please tell me he is a virgin too. Ask for what you can also offer.
If I ever actually find somebody I'd want to marry I would never propose with anybody around. I would want to eliminate any peer pressure and create an intimate environment
Instead Of Holding Rapists/Harassers Accountable, He Mocks Women For Trying To Protect Themselves. A True Pos
Henry Viii's Wives If They'd Never Met Him
Thought This Belongs Here. (From Selfawarewolves... Men Are So Close, I Can't Decide If They're Ignorant On Purpose Or Genuinely Can't Grasp Basic Concepts)
Sounds like the guy who yells "hey pretty lady" and approaches a woman they don't know, and when she "walks fast" to get away or tells him to stop, she has a "bad attitude"
Being In You 20’s Should Be About Self Development, Your Eduction And To Lay The Foundation For Financial Independence
Most Stay-At-Moms Do Not Get The Luxury Of Building A Career, Or Even The Luxury Of A Personal Life This Is How Women End Up In A Financial Trap With No Support
Ummmm... my wife and I support our family. I work long hours. My wife takes care of 90% of the household stuff. I clean the kitchen every night and get home by dinner time every night to have family time with her and our kids. I don't support her and she doesn't support me. We support each other.
Say It Louder For These Predatory Men!
helping your wife means that most of the job is on her shoulder. I prefer say that I do my part...
We Used To Think We Were Always At Fault
True if you date a self centered douche who doesn't care about your pleasure...
Women Protect Women From Harm. Men Protect Other Men's Ability To Lie, Cheat, And Knowingly Harm Women
I don't know about any 'bro code'. But any friend of mine cheating on his SO (also probably a friend of mine by association) and expecting me to keep it a secret isn't really my friend.