40 ‘Why The Hell Do You Know That’ Facts That People Probably Shouldn’t Have Shared But Did Anyway
We love to learn facts: fun ones, cool ones, strange ones. The internet is a treasure-trove of new facts to discover and share with your friends. On the other hand, it also brings us some things that we wish we didn’t know.
Have you ever heard a fact so weird and specific that it made you ask, “Why the hell do you know that?” Apparently, quite a few people have. A recent thread on r/AskReddit set out to find the strangest facts that people know and the internet has delivered once again.
Tell one of these facts to someone and it will surely bring a look of horror and confusion to their face. So, they’re probably not the best icebreakers to use at a party, but hey, maybe they’ll be useful at some point in the future. Check out part one here for more weird facts.
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A co-worker told me one day “you’ll know when it’s truly the first day of spring because lake water will warm up and make any dead bodies in the lake float to the top surface due to bacteria” he continued with “except for in Lake Superior where the water temperature never gets warm enough to build bacteria in a dead body” and that’s one coworker I’ll never make mad right there
The thread has over 34K upvotes and u/BeefBall1010, the Redditor behind the post, told us they were surprised at the response their question got. “I never expected it to blow up like this,” they said.
There’s a whole slew of random and weird facts shared on the thread. BeefBall1010 told us that the one about rats was a personal favorite of theirs. Most of them are quite memorable ones but trying to remember every single fact you’ve ever heard can be quite a challenge.
I've been waiting for my time to shine.
You have erectile tissue in your nose. Orcas are the biggest natural predators of moose. There is a psychological disorder in which people believe they are a cow and it's called boanthropy. A wood frog can hold it's pee for up to eight months. If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will lose it's colour and become white. You can actually "dig to China" from Argentina. The Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows. There is a kind of psychologist called a "wealth psychologist" that specializes in helping wealthy people deal with immense guilt or not being emotionally able to cope with being rich. A single spaghetti noodle is called a spaghetto. A Polish doctor faked a typhus outbreak in order to prevent nazis. The youngest Pope was only 11 years old. A man once filmed 7 episodes of a soap opera in IKEA without getting caught. (the opera). Pigs will eat the entire human body except for the teeth. When cremating a body, if you don't remove the teeth, they will pop like popcorn.
One way of recounting information is the use of mnemonics. This refers to a system that can help you remember information by tying it to certain patterns. Examples of this can be acronyms (such as ‘Every Good Boy Deserves Football’ that musicians use to remember the lines on a music ledger) or musical methods (like putting the alphabet to the tune of ‘Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star’). Surely a lot of us still recount the alphabet by using this method, I know I do.
An experiment was performed on how mnemonics such as acronyms can make a difference in remembering information and enforcing our work without interruptions. It required the 65 participants to complete a task with multiple different steps. Half of the group were given an acronym to support and remind them of each step and the other half were not.
When Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile, they cut off his reproductive organ and gave it to the local parish priest. The priest later sold it to raise money for his Parish and it's been sold and resold down through the centuries and to this day there are three people who claim to own Napoleon's reproductive organ.
No one knows why this happened, and it's not the important part of the story. The important part is, who the hell do those other two belong to?
Oh, so they took Napoleons' "bone apart"...Ok, I'll see myself out...
Dragonflies are the most effective hunter on the planet catching 95% of the prey they go after.
Results from the experiment showed that those with the acronym fared far better than their counterparts at completing the task. It was linked to the participants being able to perform and recover faster after being interrupted as part of the experiment. The sequential steps made it easier to visualize the steps in their minds and reinforce what needed to be completed next.
Cows moo with accents depending on their regions.
I think seagulls have dialects/languages too. I noticed the same species of animal sound different in Korea and in Croatia. In Korea, they produce higher pitch and short sounds, whereas, in Croatia they sound deeper and slower, makes you really feel lazy. In Umag, at least.
Rats are bisexual by nature and females will have group orgies with each other when in heat.
Male's balls can take up 10% of their entire mass!
There was a study where they put females in 'lingerie' and accustomed the males to it to the point they only saw the lingerie wearing rats as suitable mates.
Rats can give into peer pressure and eat things they don't like if everyone else is eating it.
Rats cannot burp or vomit.
With the amount of people killing pest rats by poison, they are creating bigger, smarter, poison resistant mutant rats.
Another more visual way of memorizing information is the 'method of loci' or the use of a ‘memory palace’. This was used to effect in Benedict Cumberbatch’s modern portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, where he closes his eyes and imagines a virtual space that stores all of the most useful information in his memory. All he had to do was walk through the space led by certain cues and pluck out memories from wherever he had filed them, helping him to solve cases in a jiffy.
In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to consume more than 3 sandwiches at a funeral.
The most random law I’ve ever heard about
Another random law: If a Swede crosses over the frozen sea between Denmark and Sweden, Danes are allowed to beat them up. It's a relic of when Denmark and Sweden were constantly at war, so if a group of Swedes crossed over the ice they probably didn't have good intentions, thus this law allowing the Danes to defend themselves. As far as I know, it was never changed.
Koala's are the most alien of all mammals on the planet. They have two thumbs on each hand, three vaginas, spend most of their lives asleep, and evolved to only eat one plant that has no nutritional value. They also eat their mother's poop.
Koala’s also have fingerprints that are almost indistinguishable from human fingerprints so the next time you’re thinking of robbing a bank, take a furry friend.
The distance a squirrel would need to fall in order to die is 4,800 miles. This is because squirrels cannot die from a terminal velocity fall; they would have to fall far enough to die from starvation.
This is far from fictitious and it’s used most often by people competing in the World Memory Championships. That’s right, there’s a competition for the brainiest person out there that can memorize and recount enormous amounts of information within a certain timeframe. It’s been going on since 1991 with people from all over the world competing for the title.
Most ‘sea monster’ sightings are actually a whale sticking its reproductive organ out of the water.
The kiwi is a bird closely related to the emu and the ostrich, despite having the size of a chicken. Nature made it small but forgot about the egg, which is about the size of an emu egg.
When bears hibernate they generate a mucous wax to cover their buttholes so that nothing can get in
What a relief to finally know.... I have been worrying about this for years!
Perhaps the most outstanding champion of the competition is Dominic O’Brien. Having won it a staggering eight times, he’s gone on to write about memorization techniques and even developed his own system.
O’Brien spoke with The Daily Mail about his use of 'loci' and how it helped him to win the titles so many times. He said, “This is undoubtedly the key to my success at the World Memory Championships. Placing each piece of data that I had to absorb in a particular place that I had already set aside in my mind made it easier for me to recall them.”
The first Pong machine was dropped off at a local tavern owned by friends of one of the developers for a test run. After a few days, the game started to malfunction. The tavern owner called one of the Devs, Allan Alcorn, to come fix it, and when Alcorn got there it was discovered that it was malfunctioning because it was too full of quarters.
According to Mattel, Barbie's real name is Barbara Milicent Roberts. And Ken's last name is Carson.
Ken Carson sounds like he should be on Fox News espousing terrible vaccine advice and generally being a Trump supporting Chad.
In the 1700s they used to rent out pineapples for hundreds of dollars, people would parade their pineapple around the streets flexing on the peasants that couldn't afford to rent a pineapple
O’Brien explained how we already use loci: “An excellent everyday example of the art of location is the solution to the common problem of finding a set of misplaced keys. What we do is retrace our steps (logically or figuratively).”
“We check the hall where we hung up our coat when we first came home, the study where we went to check phone messages, and so we continue through the house until we eventually arrive at the place we put down our keys.”
If you sneeze when coming from a dark room into sunlight, it is because of a specific gene which is named ACHOO. I know because I have it.
"Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) Syndrome is characterized by uncontrollable sneezing in response to the sudden exposure to bright light, typically intense sunlight"
Shrimp live in the canopies of the Redwood Forests. They get there via literal seagull poop, and the lush coastal ecosystem forms little puddles on the branches in which they grow and live.
You're more likely to be sexually assaulted by a dolphin than eaten by a shark
The first known vending machine was created in the 1st century AD and it was located in Egypt. The machine dispensed holy water and it also took coins like ours do today.
You can legally marry your first cousin in Georgia.
You can’t cross Minnesota state lines with a duck on your head, it’s illegal. I learned that the hard way.
Dolphins can fall deeply in love and develop relationships just like humans can.
It has been recorded multiple times that when a human and dolphin - who have formed a strong relationship between them over a long period of time are separated:
the dolphin becomes so depressed that they willfully commit suicide by sinking to the bottom of their pool/lagoon and refuse to come up for air until they drown to death.
The annual migration of birds was only discovered in 1822 when a stork turned up in Germany with a 30-inch African spear through its neck. Before that, we seriously thought migratory birds slept at the bottom of ponds or flew to the moon for the winter.
Google: Pfeilstorch
The longest word you can make using the top row of a keyboard is typewriter
It was an annual tradition for the pharaoh of Egypt to masturbate into the Nile with an audience.
If people were otherwise immortal and nobody had anymore children, and you shot someone every second, it would take around 230 years to kill off the human race.
There are more plastic flamingos in the world than real ones
Mr. Rogers personally replied to each piece of fan mail he ever received.
It takes a sloth a whole month to travel 1 mile across ground.
The main legal consideration between grave robbery and archeology is age and if the deceased has any living relatives.
Where I live (ymmv), if the deceased has been dead over a century and has no living descendants, it's not considered grave robbery and you can claim any valuables found (jewellery, coins, artifacts, etc).
Clown fish will change genders if their mate dies and then mate with their children
Pineapples contain enzymes that break down proteins, which is why your mouth goes tingley when you eat lots of it.
Given this, theoretically you could dissolve a body in pineapple juice
FRESH pineapple juice. Once "cooked" by canning, the enzymes are destroyed. Same reason you can't use fresh pineapple in Jello - the enzymes will prevent the Jello from setting.
Before the Titanic sank a book titled "Futility" came out about a fictional British ocean liner called the Titan that sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg.
It’s by Morgan Robertson and is actually a decent read. Give it a read, you won’t be disappointed.
A botfly egg can land on your skin and implant within a fraction of a second. If one hits you in the eye, it is possible that it can implant the egg under your eyelid so your eye incubates and subsequently feeds the growing larva. I know this because I have removed one from the underside of an eyelid before from a patient with a recalcitrant “eyelid infection”
The quickest way to the heart actually IS through the stomach. According to archeological evidence, the Aztecs basically discovered through their years of sacrificing people that it’s way quicker to cut open the stomach and then go up and under the rib cage to cut the heart out, rather than trying to break open the ribs to get through them. They could apparently get someone’s heart out this way in only a few seconds, and there are accounts of sacrifices where multiple thousands of people had their hearts cut out in a single day, which would take forever if they didn’t know the quickest method.
Your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that you actively clean
I know the full name of Dom Pedro I, first emperor of Brazil, since I was a child: Pedro de Alcântara Francisco Antônio João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim de Bragança e Bourbon.
If humans wanted to have the same eyesight as an owl we would have to have eyes the size of a grapefruit
I mean seriously, alot of this is bs, it comes from that swamp called reddit...
Only parts of reddit are swamps. Other parts are lush rainforests of information. You must choose your subs wisely.
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I mean seriously, alot of this is bs, it comes from that swamp called reddit...
Only parts of reddit are swamps. Other parts are lush rainforests of information. You must choose your subs wisely.
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