Turns Out There’s A Dedicated Community For Sharing Pics Of Extraordinary Weather Conditions And Phenomena, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones
A patchy drizzle, a snowstorm in the middle of December, a foggy morning and a burst of clear sunshine on that fine Friday afternoon – are all common and equally vital events that happen daily in our atmosphere.
Weather is a very influential thing that affects our lives on a day-to-day basis. Think about it – it determines our mood, picks the choice of attire we're going to wear, decides if the plans we've established will be enjoyable in the given circumstances, or whether it's a good idea to carry them out in general.
More extreme weather events like tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and floods can put individuals in risky circumstances, where they may lose their homes and family members or suffer potentially fatal injuries; however, we can all agree that seeing certain phenomena, even if it's just a giant spark in the sky, can leave you pondering how intimidatingly impressive our world is.
Well, as it turns out, there's a dedicated online community that shares a wide range of weather images, and today, Bored Panda has collected a couple of its best ones.
More info: Reddit
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Texas, May 17 2021; Credit To Stormchaser Laura Rowe
The truth is, you don’t have to be a social media fanatic to have heard of Reddit. It's a massive forum with 52 million daily active users where you're bound to find a community that will tickle your fancy the most, and today we'll be casting our attention to one of its image-based groups:
“Welcome to [community name]! This is a subreddit for high quality images of the wide range of weather phenomena, from violent storms to beautiful weather” – the group has been blessing folks with its content since May, 2011 and is currently the proud owner of 181K members. It dedicates its postings solely to high-resolution photos of different and noteworthy events such as snowstorms, tornadoes, rainstorms – basically all things weather.
Amazing Photo By Adam Kyle Jackson
If that was corn in the foreground, I'd say it was he who walks behind the rows...
To put it shortly, weather is the state of the atmosphere – however, specifically for our planet, the majority of events take place in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere, which is around 18 kilometers (11.18 miles) above the Earth's surface. As we all probably know, it refers to things such as: our daily temperature, precipitation (which is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and descends back to Earth), wind, and clouds.
It's important to distinguish between the terms and not confuse weather with "climate," as weather is recognized to describe short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate refers to weather that is averaged over a lengthy period of time in specific regions.
Supercell Near Leoti, Ks
A Pilot Captured This Thunderstorm As Seen From 37,000 Feet
My whipped cream came out like that when I left the electric beaters on too long.
Nature produces unusual weather conditions, and just when you think that you’ve seen it all, perhaps, just like the members of this subreddit, you might be fortunate enough to witness some of the most jaw-dropping (sometimes downright chilling) atmospheric phenomena.
So-called “blood rain,” which is not as alarming as it might sound and occurs when a high concentration of red-colored dust gets mixed into rain; high tides; rotating thunderstorms; coastal flooding; winter storms that feature freezing rain – the force and diversity of the weather can be truly astounding.
A Storm Forming Over Wisconsin
Stormy Sunset, Wild Horses Beach, North Carolina (Oc) [4882 X 5945]
While the severity of each weather event varies, it is in your best interest to be on guard and to be mindful of a few safety precautions that might lessen the possible impact.
The National Safety Council, America’s leading non-profit safety advocate that specializes in reporting the facts on preventable injuries and deaths, stated that “weather-related deaths are up 35% from 2017,” with conditions such as winter weather and tornados being the leading cause of death and injuries.
From A Storm Over Edmonton Canada
Photo Taken In Oahu, Hawaii By Benji Barnes [1786x2048]
Can Anyone Explain How This Ice Is Formed On Our Car Windscreen. The Weather Was Raining Then Froze Quickly But Only To Around -1c
First and foremost – have a master plan for the unforeseen disaster on hand; pack your first aid kit and discuss the plan with your close ones. Carry a charged phone or a portable power bank at all times in case the situation calls (no pun intended) for an emergency phone ring. Always listen to experts such as safety officers, and evacuate the area when the circumstances demand it. Last, but certainly not least – stay calm and remember that an already stressful event can be made much worse when you don’t keep your cool.
Taken Near Glenburn, Nd, Last Night
Sprites Over Oklahoma (Paul M Smith) [1280x832]
Bilbao , Spain. Last Night
Chances are that you’ll be safe and sound, even in the case of a tornado – however, being prepared is critical. It’s equally vital to be mindful and respect the power of nature and not to try and go out of your way to, for instance, capture how the active lightning strikes. Bored Panda hopes that you’ve enjoyed this collection of breathtaking views. Give the community a follow – and remember, safety is our number one priority!
Mammatus Clouds Fishers, Indiana. 45-60 Mins After Hail And A Tornado Cell Later Down Wind
What Made The Light Look Like That (They Were Not Like That Before Or The Next Day) Mideast Sweden A Week Ago
60,000' High Supercell In West Texas, Gearing Up To Spawn A Tornado And Hailstorm
Twister At Wyoming , USA
Nice Little Severe Thunderstorm Last Night In New Braunfels, Tx
Apocalyptic Sky In Northern California Yesterday Due To Smoke From Nearby Fires
Incoming Storm Sioux Falls, Sd. Photo Cr. Alex Resel
Epic Double Rainbow 😍
Florida(St Petersburg) [3100x3100 10mb] [oc]
Wow! Lightning below and above the enormous raincloud. It looks like a pretty compact storm too.
Storm Rolling In Over The Great Plains In Montana - Image Courtesy Of Anthony Spencer [960x640]
Supercell Thunderstorm, Bolton, Ks
Wetaskiwin, Alberta
Best Weather At The Ocean
Turkish Delight
‘Sunbow’ Above Plymouth, UK Yesterday
This is 22° halo created by ice crystals. Different shapes of ice crystals give different halos.
Sunrise This Morning In West Texas (Friend Took Pic - It's His Oc But He Doesn't Use Reddit, Asked Me To Post For Him.)
Don’t they say “Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”? Looks like time to take warning. That’s fiery red and orange, not soft dawn pink.
Wicked Severe Thunderstorm Front Over Minneapolis, Mn Yesterday
Sunset Lightning On Florida’s Space Coast Yesterday Evening [oc] [2048x1635]
Moose Jaw Thunderstorm In Southern Saskatchewan
Congratulations To This Tree That Definitely Just Got Superpowers
More like “sacrificed its life” by taking the full brunt of the lightning strike.
Double Rainbow Strike Over Chicago, Il
Looks Like It Comes Straight Out Of A Scifi
Or an old fashioned scary movie set in a castle on a cliff above the sea, where for some reason it’s ALWAYS stormy.
The Sky Over Oxford On Sunday
Can Someone Explain This?
Its That Time Of Year. Getting Pumped For The 2020 Season. This Shot Is From Mccook, Nebraska In May Of 2019. I Shot This With My Nikon D850
Backside Of A Storm. Powhatan Va
Sky Is On Fire As The Storm Passes
Shelf Cloud Ahead Of Strong Thunderstorm Tonight In Wahoo, Ne. Photo Cr. Nebraska Storm Chasers
Tornado In Colorado Yesterday
More From Sweden
In The Spring Of 2015, Our Home In Austin Tx Was Flooded. The Sky In May Of That Year Was My First And So Far Last Time To See Mammatus Clouds In Person. Shot Taken From My Driveway. No Filters Or Enhancements To The Image
A Storm In Metro Detroit. (Credit: U/Jcphotography_mi
Tornado Captured West Of Akron, Colorado (Photo Credit To Nenah Demunster)
I live on the East Coast, less than 30 miles from the ocean. We may get hurricanes, but at least they give you a lot of warning that they may be coming your way, so you have time to prepare for them. Tornadoes, nope. Earthquakes, nope. Tidal waves, nope. Volcanoes, ehhh maybe. Depends. Some have been known to just blow. Even though hurricanes can wipe out just about everything and send it out to sea—-even change geography by shifting huge amounts of sand to create new beaches or cut new inlets—-at least I can batten down the hatches, grab my husband, pets, paperwork, sentimental items, and valuables, stuff everyone and everything in the car, and hightail it TF out of here well in advance.
Great Night
Crazy Looking Storm A Few Days Ago In Sd
Almost looks like pictures of Dust Bowl duststorms during the Great Depression. Colorized, of course.
Amber Valley Through The Cloud This Morning. Derbyshire, UK
So stunning, can look at them all day! I flew through two clouds while skydiving. One was a rain cloud and it looked crystalline/dewy inside with a small dark center-that was awesome. The second time was when I was going into my landing pattern and a huge cumulous cloud drifted over the dropzone. That was scary, as I couldn't see the ground or if divers where ahead of me or anything. It was as if I was stuck in a ball of cotton, but I just followed the pattern and hoped for the best. The size of clouds are unbelievably enormous, and the experience of flying through them is one I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world. :)
So stunning, can look at them all day! I flew through two clouds while skydiving. One was a rain cloud and it looked crystalline/dewy inside with a small dark center-that was awesome. The second time was when I was going into my landing pattern and a huge cumulous cloud drifted over the dropzone. That was scary, as I couldn't see the ground or if divers where ahead of me or anything. It was as if I was stuck in a ball of cotton, but I just followed the pattern and hoped for the best. The size of clouds are unbelievably enormous, and the experience of flying through them is one I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world. :)