When you look up at the sky full of fluffy clouds, what do you see? An elephant holding a balloon? Or perhaps a dragon spewing fire? This is nothing strange, as our brains are programmed to recognize familiar patterns and shapes in what we see. The phenomenon, called pareidolia, helps us make sense of the world and avoid danger.

Bored Panda gathered many more similar examples where people saw things as other things, assigning meaning when there might not be one. Scroll down to find them, and be sure to upvote the ones that mess with your eyes and brains the most!

While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with associate professor from UQ’s School of Psychology, Dr. Jessica Taubert, who kindly agreed to tell us more about the phenomenon of pareidolia.


I Visited Vulcan, Alberta And All Their Streetlights Are Shaped Like The Starship Enterprise

Streetlight shaped like an airplane, blending into an urban setting with buildings and a parked truck below.

RazeTheIV Report


    My Cat Looks Like A Lemur

    A cat with stripes blends into its surroundings, resembling other things found in nature.

    HushBringer_ Report

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    Community Member
    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    🎵 I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it You like to move it 🎵

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    This Gekko In Madagascar That Looks Like A Wilted Leaf

    Leaf-like lizard camouflaged on a person's hand, blending seamlessly with its surroundings.

    divadschuf Report

    Associate professor from UQ’s School of Psychology, Dr. Jessica Taubert, explains that pareidolia describes "the perception of anything meaningful that isn’t actually there."

    Even though it’s something all people have, not much is known about the phenomenon. Neuroscientists have some understanding of where it can happen in the brain and are sure that it’s an evolutionary skill that was valuable for us in the natural world to identify faces and other threats.


    Found A Really Cool Stick Looks Like A Good Wizard Staff

    A person holding a twisted stick resembling a snake on a paved surface.

    Old_Effect_7884 Report


    Found A Caterpillar That Looks Like A Leaf

    Green caterpillar resembling a pine needle sitting on a textured brown surface.

    UnstableIsotopeU-234 Report

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    Samantha Shah
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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that looks like a do not touch caterpillar if I've ever seen one...

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    This Flower Looks Like Icing

    White flower resembling whipped cream swirls against a dark background.

    Possible_Resort9672 Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This forbidden food looks more like whipped cream from a spray can, doesn't it?

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    "Face pareidolia is the most common example of pareidolia, which most people will be familiar with, but occasionally we see animals or bodies (or body parts like hands)," says Dr. Taubert. "Our visual system is optimised for detecting faces because they are uniquely important visual stimuli. A side effect of this hypersensitivity is that we often see faces where there are none."

    "In the case of faces, the advantages of rapidly detecting a potential social agent (who might be a friend but could equally be a foe) outweigh the disadvantages associated with mistaking a mop for a face. Indeed, there is no real downside to seeing faces in noise or in ordinary objects. That’s why even if you are very prone to seeing face pareidolia, there is no corrective mechanism—just enjoy," adds Dr. Taubert.


    This Buff-Tip Moth Disguised As Birch Wood

    A stick resembling a small snake's head, demonstrating how things can look like other things.

    Zokins Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine being able to disguise your self like this to get out of awkward situations

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    I Found A Rock On A Beach That Looks Like A Beach On A Rock

    A potato that looks like a moldy egg on a white background.

    -L-E- Report


    Icicles On This Cat Statue Look Like Fur

    Frost-covered cat statue atop a stone, resembling a real sleeping cat; "things look like other things" example.

    Electronic-Love-1465 Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How sad. It says you have left our lives but never our hearts.

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    Interestingly, making out objects on the moon’s surface also has its own category: lunar pareidolia. People often see light and dark patches of the moon and interpret them as familiar shapes. In some European countries, people see a ‘banished man’ carrying a bundle of sticks, while in Asian cultures they observe a rabbit.


    This Mushroom That Looks Like A Glove Punching Through My Planter

    Potato in the dirt shaped like a human brain, illustrating how things look like other things.

    badrobotdavid Report


    The Dog I'm Sitting Looks Like Scooby Doo

    Dog sitting on a couch mimicking a human posture, showcasing how things look like other things.

    Archtypo Report


    My Hair Looks Like It’s Been Caught In A Zipper/ Fits In Between Gears

    Curly hair strand resembles a spiral shape, held by a hand.

    Skiigo Report

    Hermann Rorschach was also inspired by people’s ability to see meaning where there isn’t. His Rorschach inkblot test, where people are influenced or guided by specialists to see things in ink splotches that reveal their unconscious thoughts, is an example of directed pareidolia. This test is still used in practice by some psychologists to diagnose schizophrenia.


    Our Homegrown Pepper Looks Almost Exactly Like A Boot

    Pepper shaped like a duck, highlighting things that look like other things.

    bucklebowski Report


    This Leaf Has Flower Tattoos

    A leaf that resembles an owl's face, held by a person with painted nails, showcasing how things look like other things.

    SpicyPoffin Report


    A Seastar Growing Back 4 Arms Looks Like A Shooting Star

    Starfish floating in water, resembling a star shape, exemplifying the concept of things looking like other things.

    IntestineYarnball Report

    Despite many optical examples, pareidolia isn’t limited to visual perception and can also happen with sounds. It occurs when we misinterpret bird songs, white noise, or running water as human speech. We also can mishear lyrics or words that don’t exist.


    Found A Stick That Looks Like A Wizard Staff

    A gnarled stick leaning against a wall, resembling a wizard's staff.

    rappenem Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clean it and oil it, and it could become a family heirloom.

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    Match I Burned Turned Into A Microphone With A Stand

    Burnt matchstick resembling a tiny human figure, held up in a hand, illustrating things looking like other things.

    Col_Goatbanger Report

    Generally speaking, pareidolia is a type of apophenia, which is a broader term for finding meaning in random data. It’s our human nature to make connections in a world that can feel chaotic and out of order. However, when it becomes extreme, it can be a sign of mental illness like bipolar disorder, severe depression, and schizophrenia, which make people lose touch with reality.


    This Pine Wood Has An Arrow Pointing To What Was The Center Of The Tree

    Two pieces of wood that look like bird shapes in their grain pattern.

    PlantsAreEggcellent Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "So, how many licks does it take 'til you get to the center of the?" 🎵

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    I Have The Shape And Texture Of A Feather At The Bottom Of My Iris

    Close-up of a human eye resembling a textured landscape, highlighting the concept of things looking like other things.

    M8614 Report

    At the same time, experts see a positive side to apophenia and pareidolia. “We think pareidolia may enhance focus, creativity, and innovation because you’re seeing things in a different way. If this turns out to be the case, building pareidolia skills could be very useful in helping to solve problems in many areas of society,” said Susan Magsamen, director of the International Arts and Mind Lab at the Petersen Brain Science Institute.


    Southern Los Angeles Looks Like A Computer Motherboard

    Nighttime aerial view of a city, lights forming patterns that resemble a circuit board, showcasing how things look like other things.

    Mistapeepers Report


    This Whole Bag Of Chocolate Chips Looks Like Tiny Sherlock Pipes

    Hand holding chocolate pieces shaped like small creatures, resembling other things.

    pickeringmt Report

    “Often we underrate different ways of interpretation or unique perceptions,” she continued. “Think about all the problems that you could address by having better ability to interpret ideas and learning how to communicate and collaborate more effectively. Could something as simple as pareidolia be a tool that could help do that?”


    I Thought The Roots Of This Dead Orchid Look Kind Of Like A Facehugger

    Dry root resembling an octopus on a textured gray surface.

    abarnes4 Report


    I Spilled Diet Coke Under My Desk At Work And The Bubbles Formed A Lowercase E

    Spill on carpet resembles the letter "e," highlighting things that look like other things in unexpected ways.

    kaprandczar Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Arrr, 'tis the ghost of windows explorer. Beware, me hearties! Don't turn ye back on it!

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    Found These Rusty Pliers In The Yard, Looks Like Wood

    A tree bark piece resembling pliers against a blue background.

    jeffoh Report

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    Disgruntled Panda
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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok my first thought before reading was "ooh cool, that branch really looks like a pair of pliers" 🙈

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    Refilled Soap Dispenser Resulted In Overnight Fungi Shape

    Soap dispenser containing liquid, with floating jellyfish-like shapes inside.

    ginkyotree Report


    Accidentally Made My Eggs Like This, Looks Like A Tree With Oranges

    Fried eggs in a pan resembling a wine glass, illustrating things look like other things.

    Anonymous_538264 Report


    Nice Leaf

    Star-shaped leaf on pavement beside sneakers, resembling other objects.

    artindetails Report


    This Portal Crane, That Looks Like An At-At

    Structure resembling an elephant amidst a construction zone with a car driving by, highlighting things looking like other things.

    TXC_IJOJOI Report

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    Powerful Katrinka
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    4 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    George Lucas got the idea for the design of the At-ats from the cargo cranes at the Port of Oakland in California.

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    My Son Took A Picture Of A Cloud That Looks Like A Fighter Jet

    Clouds in the sky resembling a submarine, with a lamppost and snowy mountains in the background.

    oneLegOutTheDoor Report


    A Hot Pepper Shaped Like Fire

    Gloved hand holding a sliced red pepper that resembles a flame, illustrating things that look like other things.

    thegentlemystic Report


    This Carrot Looks Like Those S Designs We All Used To Draw In Middle School

    Curled carrot piece resembling a duck resting on a colorful Star Wars blanket.

    uglypatty Report


    Moisturizer Came Out Looking Like A Tiny Leaf

    Cream on fingertip shaped like a musical note, highlighting things that look like other things.

    tzmau5 Report

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    Sara Frazer
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've discovered that sometimes if I try I can make my lotion come out looking like mushrooms! Or if I botch it it looks kinda phallic....

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    My Pancake Looked Like A Brain

    Pancake resembling a brain shape, showcasing things that look like other things.

    Azvhaalk Report


    This Red Pepper At The Grocery Store Looks Like It Had Stitches In Two Places

    Unusual tomato shape resembling a toy, held in hand above a shopping basket.

    Affectionate-Bid706 Report

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    Lee Gilliland
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's kn It's known as Zippering or stitching and it is caused by flower fusing to the pericarp (the center of the flower) during fruit development, leading to a zipper-pattern lesion

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    This Tree That Looks Like A Whisk

    Tree resembling a large brain silhouette in front of a house with cars parked nearby.

    violet-blur Report


    Picture I Took Of The St. Louis Arch Looks Like A Futuristic Space Station

    A shiny metallic path visually resembling a space journey against a dark background.

    ofMilkandMoo Report

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    Michael None
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a native St. Louisan every time I stand below the arch and look up I'm still amazed by it's engineering.

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    My Mayo Looks Like The Sorting Hat From Harry Potter

    Swirled mayo resembling a soft-serve ice cream cone on a plate, with ketchup beside it.

    Jonasvest1997 Report


    This Tiny Freckle On My Hand Looks Like An Asterisk *

    Small mole on skin resembling a tiny star, showcasing how things look like other things.

    YourChocolateMonster Report


    I Found Something At The Beach That Looks Like A Real Life Topographical Map

    A rock resembling a human fingerprint with intricate lines and patterns on a flat surface.

    Medium-Department-35 Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's driftwood. I have many of different shapes and sizes similar to this.

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    There’s A Bubble Under My Glass That Looks Like A Pool Of Mercury

    A rock in a glass of water resembling an island, showcasing how things look like other things.

    maaaahtin Report


    Heart Shaped Bubble Formed In A Bottle Of High-Viscosity Liquid

    Hand holding a clear tube with a heart-shaped infuser, looking like a toothpaste tube.

    chahan412 Report


    Bruise On Back Of My Leg Looks Like The Monster Logo

    A knee brace with a bruise that resembles a tree on the leg of a person.

    ProfessorPrize6036 Report

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    The Shadows/Light Under My Door Looks Like A City Skyline

    Image of sunlight under a door creating a cityscape illusion on wooden floor, illustrating things look like other things.

    Junior_Pirate3418 Report

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    My Fried Egg Looks Like A Yin Yang Symbol

    Fried egg in a pan with oil spots creating a tree-like pattern, resembling things that look like other things.

    MitchDigger Report

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    Sarah Bailey
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A very rare specimen from the deepest parts of the sea may I introduce the yinyang fish. Very tasty!

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    Forgotten Contact Lenses Dried Up And A Snowflake-Like Shape Developed On Them

    Orange contact lens case with shapes resembling snowflakes inside, illustrating things looking like other things.

    DFisBUSY Report


    Odd Mushroom Shape We Got In Our Ice Cube

    Ice cube shaped like a bottle opener held between fingers.


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    Made A Pancake That Randomly Looks Like An Apple

    A pancake that looks like an apple on a baking tray.

    carson42788 Report


    I Saw These Clouds Today That Look Like A World Map

    Clouds resembling tornadoes in a blue sky above greenery, illustrating things that look like other things.

    OneEmptyHead Report


    This Cloud That Looks Like A Nuke Had Been Detonated

    Cloud formation that looks like a giant mushroom, towering over a park with clear blue sky.

    thicc_asi4n Report

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    Sara Frazer
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oooh if I walked outside and saw that I'd have a mini heart attack 🙃

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    This Heart Shaped Piece Of Driftwood

    A piece of driftwood that looks like an animal heart, held in a hand, showcasing things that look like other things.

    Que_Pog Report

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    The Water In This Bottle Froze In The Shape Of A Christmas Tree

    Frozen water bottle with ice formations resembling a tree, illustrating how things can look like other things.

    _sectumsempra- Report


    The Chocolate On The Whisk Looks Like Jimmy Nuetron’s Hair

    Poster of chocolate mix resembling an alien creature with tentacles above a store shelf.

    devinh313 Report


    A Piece Of Hair I Plucked From My Cheek That Looks Like A Spring

    Tiny black squiggle on a fingertip resembling a sound wave.

    W1zard0fW0z Report


    The Blanket I Was Washing Came Out Of The Machine Looking Like A Muffin

    Washing machine with a pile of laundry that looks like a large scoop of ice cream.

    ameades Report


    The Water Mark Left By My Sister’s Drink Is Shaped Like The Aries Sign

    Menu with optical illusion; glass shadow creates a T-rex shape, illustrating things look like other things.

    Chloe2622 Report


    This Bread I Made Looks Like A Planet In Space

    A loaf of bread resembling a potato due to its shape and texture.

    BloodyViper Report

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    My Coffee Sediment Looks Like A Bob Ross Painting Of Some Happy Trees

    Rust pattern in a pan resembling a forest, illustrating things that look like other things.

    Loud_dosage Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All these coffee grounds... makes me wish I still knew how to read them!


    Water Froze On Cucumber In Spiral Shape

    Close-up of a green plant stem with dew droplets resembling glass spirals, illustrating things that look like other things.

    bekaisnomore Report

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    This Garlic Looks And Feels Like Gummi

    A hand holding a garlic clove slice that looks like an egg yolk, with more garlic and a red onion on a cutting board.

    Shirizuna Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is not uncommon and has a term. This is condition is called “Waxy Breakdown” High temperatures during growth, especially near harvest Poor ventilation during storage Low oxygen levels during storage Excess sun while curing

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    This Stick Looks Like It Has Muscles Inside Of It

    A rock formation resembling a bent tree branch in a rocky landscape, illustrating things looking like other things.

    mr-ahhhhh Report


    The Ice On My Car Last Morning Looks Like Fur

    Close-up of a white carpet that looks like snow, highlighting things that look like other things.

    Fabuild Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not insulting in any way, but for some reason “last morning” sounds so odd to me, I’ve never heard it like that. It makes sense, we say last night.

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    My Pancake Looks Like A Sunflower

    Pancake in a pan shaped like a sunflower, showcasing things that look like other things.

    BadMaster2306 Report

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    Dusty's mom
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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If only you could replicate that you could sell the info to restaurants.

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    Rain Cloud Looks Like Floating Waterfall

    Clouds resembling mountains at sunset over a busy city street with cars and traffic lights.

    _jjm47 Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, if you think about it, a rain cloud kinda is a floating waterfall.

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    My Son’s Pupil Looks Like Pac Man

    Close-up of a dog's eye resembling a human eye, showcasing how things look like other things.

    Bada__Ping Report


    When I Squeeze My Partner’s Mouth Together It Looks Like He Has Two Identical Sets Of Lips Together Side By Side

    Close-up of a chin appearing like lips, demonstrating the concept of things looking like other things.

    moozirt Report


    The Sweat Stains On My Hat Look More Like Mountains Than The Mountain Logo

    Cap with mountain design and sweat stain resembling a mountain range, illustrating things looking like other things.

    PurpleHotDawgs Report


    This Worn Out Train Door Looks Like Mountains

    Train door with a sky motif, creating an illusion of looking through clouds.

    eliseetc Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    This Bird Feeder Looks Like The Birds Are Carving A Fine Art Statue

    A bird feeder features a clump of seeds resembling a dinosaur shape, set against a background of fallen leaves.

    TheNozzler Report


    Sprinkler Made The Dirt Look Like Feathers On The Sidewalk

    Grass next to a sidewalk with sand patterns resembling ocean waves.

    boopthesneksnoot Report


    Hammer Shaped Stick .... Hell Yeah !

    A tree branch resembling a dinosaur head on a grassy background.

    thetippyguy Report


    These Hashrounds Look Like Tetris Blocks

    Golden brown fries that look like chicken nuggets on white paper.

    DoktorKazz Report

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