This is my all time favorite video game. I love all the Legend of Zelda games but Breath of the Wild has to be my favorite.

Breath of the Wild

My favorite this is my 1st out of my top 5

the Twilight Princess

This would have to be 2nd in my top five

Ocarina of Time

One of the best Legend of Zelda games 3rd in my top five

Majora’s Mask


It is one of the longest Legend of Zelda games made.4th of my top 5.

A Link Between Worlds

It’s a really fun game 5th out of my top 5

Wind Waker

I haven’t played this game yet. If you have comment down below telling about the game.

TriForce Heros

A really fun game but can be difficult when playing by yourself.

Spirit Tracks


Haven’t played this game. Comment down below about this game.

Phantom Hourglass

I also haven’t played this game. Comment down below about this game

what game will you choose

so many to choose from