“That Looked Expensive”: People Share 35 Fails And Accidents That Cost A Small Fortune (New Pics)
That crunch when backing up a car, or the crash of a bowl slipping off the table, there are certain sounds that just make us inwardly groan. From cleanup to embarrassment or material cost, disasters and accidents are never fun. But once it’s our wallet removed from the equation, we do have an interesting fascination with seeing things break.
The “That Looked Expensive” internet group is dedicated to documenting accidents, fails, and disasters that might make you shudder a little bit. So get comfortable, bless your lucky stars that your stuff isn’t on this list, and upvote your favorite examples.
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Porsche Driver Attempted To Pass Tram, Gets Stuck Between Two Trains
Jerks Ruined The Water Supply For Their Town
This 'revealed' more about the parents than the baby (they are jerks and idiots)
The Driver Of This Aston Martin Db5 Was Shaken But Not Stirred
Just to get the big picture stuff out of the way, the biggest “that looked expansive” man-made disaster in human history was the Chornobyl disaster in 1986. While it can be hard to work out exact figures, as there are a number of disagreements on how to measure externalities and Soviet bookkeeping was often fanciful, some estimates suggest damages around $700 billion.
It’s also a disaster of such magnitude that there are consistent, ongoing costs to keeping the damage in check, from maintaining the exclusion zone to maintenance on the protective constructions near the reactor itself. Fortunately, this sort of disaster is unlikely to repeat itself in this day and age.
Road Workers In Łódź Decided To Teach Someone A Lesson
275 Gallons Of Road Marking Paint
Kaiser Hospital Mri Accident
The next on the list, dwarfed by a number of earthquakes and hurricanes, is the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It is still considered to be the largest marine oil spill in the history of the industry, dumping 780,000 cubic meters of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Like most ecological disasters, it can be hard to measure the damage in the short term, but some estimates put it at $60 to $100 billion dollars.
Baseball-Sized Hail Smashing Into Panels At 150 Mph Destroys Solar Farm
To Carry 1 Metric Ton Of Water In A Pickup
Sir...you Cannot Park Here!!
22 July 2023, on I-76 North in Dalton-Whitfield County, Georgia, USA. The $380.000 Lamborghini Aventador was driven by 36 years old Spencer Hyde. While speeding at 160 km/h, he lost control and crashed into the trailer. The car driving erratically had been reported to the Georgia State Patrol who was looking for it, and arrived promptly on the crash site. The driver had light injuries, despite the look the survival cell on the driver side was not deformed, as evident by the door still working properly...
I Hope He Wasn't Driving Barefoot Because That's A Lot Of Legos To Step On
Quick question - why do Americans call it Legos? Even in the plural it is Lego.I think it is unique in that respect.
A Delta Airlines Boeing 767-300 After Flying Through A Hailstorm Over Milan, Italy
It happened on 24 July 2023. A huge multi-day storm hit the whole region from the 18 to the 25th July, causing massive damage to cars, buildings and trees. Several thousands of trees were uprooted or severely damaged, prompting the closure of all major parks for several week to bring them back to acceptable safety levels. Hail as big as 10 centimeter in diameter was reported, as well as about 30.000 lighting strikes.
The Lahaina Fire Destroyed 3 Of My Family’s Homes And 3 Vehicles
I’m born and raised in Lahaina. My dad was at work with his vehicle. My stepmom flew out that morning leaving hers. I was out on a hike and rode with friends. In 2 hours my hometown was reduced to ashes. These photos were taken the morning after the fire, hiking 3 miles into town.
That's in Hawaii, if anyone is wondering. This one is probably one of the saddest on the list. Wildfires are so devastating and terrifying. Had one very close to my home (in Canada) this past summer and, while our home was fortunately unaffected, it was still terrifying not knowing if we would have a home to come back to
So High Up Everything Is A Blind Spot
But It’s All Wheel Drive?!
I'm Phoning About Those Kitchen Shelves You Installed
Hope A Lesson Was Learned Here
Not the point, but can that thing even go over a speed bump? I always wonder this when I see super expensive cars that are this low down
Trailer Full Of Old Porsches Got Stuck On A Crossing
Professional Dropsies
Bear Attack In Nc State Park
Gah, imagine being stuck in that caravan at 1 in the morning, all pitch black outside and nowhere to run while a raging bear mauls through the walls. What a nightmare.
"Pothole" On A State Highway Ramp In Seattle
This Definitely Won't Buff Out
I am always amazed "professional" drivers are unaware the standard dry van height is 13' 6". No amount of Crisco will add value.
Billionaire Walmart Heiress Nancy Walton's Yacht
Truck Knocks House Off Foundation
Almost Made It
The Owner Of This Porsche Has A Dog That Is Anxious Or That Doesn't Approve Of His Color Choice
$28 Million Sikorsky MH-60S
Driver Crashes Mercedes Just Six Seconds Into Test Drive
I watched a woman in a Mercedes SUV trying to back her car out of a parking space. She ended up with the car, in the same parking space, but, upside down. She had crawled her car onto the car in the space next to hers and flipped hers over in her panic to get out of that predicament.
1m $ Frangivento Asfané Hypercar Completely Destroyed (No Injuries)
The car is a hypercar prototype. It was being driven in September 2023 by its designer and builder Giorgio Pirolo during a hill-climbing race, where the supercar was serving as a pace car. During a run to check the track before the first participant, they lost control due to a steer malfunction, and crashed into the guardrail without injuries.
My Cat Chewed The Corner Of My Mbp Screen
Someone Used This At Our Cafe And We Didn’t Notice Until The ATM Rejected It
Corvette On Fire. Plano Texas 5/24/2023
Your House Has Fallen Over
Homeowner Took It Upon Himself To Fire Up The Well On A New Build And Fill The House Lines Full Of Sediment And Mud
half of these are just rich people being stupid and f*cking up their fancy cars.
The title is that-looked-expensive, so rich people effing up their cars fits right in
Load More Replies...half of these are just rich people being stupid and f*cking up their fancy cars.
The title is that-looked-expensive, so rich people effing up their cars fits right in
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