30 Funny Pics Of Filipinos Dressed Up In ‘Unsuitable’ Donated Clothes At A Volcano Evacuation Center
The erupting Taal volcano on the main island of the Philippines has caused indescribable chaos, with almost half a million people ordered to evacuate the surrounding area. Since tons of ash from the volcano destroyed houses and infrastructure, killing crops and livestock that residents depended on, thousands of people, soon to become hundreds of thousands, have been forced into evacuation centers that are struggling to provide basic necessities.
Although the situation looks bleak at the makeshift shelters where evacuees are staying, people are striving to pass the time and make each other smile by dressing up in the strangest clothes they’ve received as donations. In the rush to get supplies to victims of the disaster, people have been tossing everything from party dresses to work uniforms into donation boxes.
While not all of these stranger donated items will go far to help people get back on their feet, they’re at least providing a bit of entertainment to the people stuck in the shelters.
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Organizations assisting the evacuation are not pleased with the clothing selection at evacuation centers, according to local news. The Citizens’ Disaster Response Center urged people to “treat the survivors with dignity” by donating clothes that could still be used. While the statement could have been in response to the pictures arising from the evacuation centers, they added that many of the donated articles of clothing were torn or otherwise unusable.
What is a volcano survivor going to do with that? Swim to the nearest island for help??
Lols.. We Filipinos always look at the brighter side. Every year we always face typhoons, flooding, earth quake or volcano eruptions etc. But one thing were always been proud of, We always find Hope and Happiness in every situation which motivate us to stand up and start again no matter how bad the situation is. Life goes go on.. might as well do it with smile =)
While the Philippine Institute Of Volcanology say they will lower alerts if the volcano has calmed down within a two-week observation period following the ash eruptions that began on January 12, they’re not confident that this is the end. Volcanologists say they have observed magma close to the surface of the volcano, meaning that a more violent eruption could still be on the way and it’s not yet time to start trying to salvage the ash-covered settlements that residents left behind.
that is actually a lovely blouse. Maybe not quite his style, but still...
Double sleeping bags for people who kick in their sleep and double bedspread?
They do care, and they are getting on with it.
Load More Replies...I have mixed emotions on what people are saying. Re the bigger clothing. Someone has donated these because they have lost weight. Good for them! And i am sure they are aware that the likelihood of someone being as big as they were in a disaster zone is going to be unlikely but their heart has been in a good place. Besides all textiles can be repurposed, the larger trousers could be split to make 2 skirts if someone has the know how. The people at the centre are having fun and keeping. Their sports up in dramtic situation
They do care, and they are getting on with it.
Load More Replies...I have mixed emotions on what people are saying. Re the bigger clothing. Someone has donated these because they have lost weight. Good for them! And i am sure they are aware that the likelihood of someone being as big as they were in a disaster zone is going to be unlikely but their heart has been in a good place. Besides all textiles can be repurposed, the larger trousers could be split to make 2 skirts if someone has the know how. The people at the centre are having fun and keeping. Their sports up in dramtic situation