1. Comfort zone 舒适区

“Stay or Leave? Continue to stay where he is or leave for a possibly better horizon filling with rainbow?”

2. Challenge 挑战

Out of a sudden, he faces challenge. He decides to make an u-turn to face the challenge instead of swimming away from it.

3. Hurt 受伤

During the challenge, he was injured. He bled…

4. New horizon 新领域

He learns from the past, sets his eyes on the new horizon ahead and swims on. He recovers along the way. Finally, he finds the new horizon filled with rainbow. He swims happily ever after…

1. Comfort zone 舒适区 “Stay or Leave? Continue to stay where he is or leave for a possibly better horizon filling with rainbow?”

2. Challenge 挑战 Out of a sudden, he faces challenge. He decides to make an u-turn to face the challenge instead of swimming away from it.

3. Hurt 受伤 During the challenge, he was injured. He bled…

4. New horizon 新领域 He learns from the past, sets his eyes on the new horizon ahead and swims on. He recovers along the way. Finally, he finds the new horizon filled with rainbow. He swims happily ever after…