28 Things Which Expose Any Person’s Low Intelligence, As Shared In This Viral Thread On X
The smartest person on the Earth nowadays is considered by many to be Terence Tao, a professor of mathematics at UCLA, who rightfully has the nickname "the Mozart of maths." Professor Tao's recent IQ test showed a result of 230 - and this is simply unbelievable. For example, Albert Einstein never took an IQ test, but many researchers estimate his score at 160.
And what about the dumbest person ever? There are definitely no clear criteria here, and each person has their own point of view on what is considered stupid and what is not. However, people are willing to share their observations on this matter on the internet.
More info: X
Image credits: mariaxxnn
Image credits: FalcoPhantasmtheGod
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Especially if the celebrity has done some messed up things and the people just ignore it or gloss over it
It’s a good way of telling that they have no actual argument
Nah, I don't believe that. And I don't think you could change my mind.
For example, recently, a couple of weeks ago, the user @mariaxxnn asked this question on X: "What’s a sign of very low intelligence?" As of today, the tweet has 533 reposts, more than 6K likes and over 10.8K various quotes. Without taking into account the inevitable repetitions, of course, it turns out that human stupidity has so many different facets! So welcome to this selection of the most interesting opinions of the thread, made for you by Bored Panda!
I have completely no curiosity. Sometimes I stay up late at night wondering why that is.
Racism and bigotry is a learned behavior, usually taught to children and engrained in them by their parents/family members. The fact that as they get older... they never get that 'sense' of "this doesn't feel right" ...is where the lack of intelligence comes into play. They've refused to go out and learn for themselves.
Among the points of view presented in this selection, there are both frankly parodic, satirical, and certainly truthful. Both signs that have grown on the wave of modern hype, and some "eternal values," relevant both today and several centuries ago. And even millennia - after all, what is "celebrity worship," if not an attempt to rethink the ancient biblical commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"?
True but also not everyone has access to birth control and the choice whether to keep the embryo or not is getting more and more restricted in the world. Accidents happen unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong, I am a parent and I am well aware that many people shouldn’t be in charge of a child but some of the current laws in the world do not make the situation any easier.
"In fact, in such cases, when there are no clear criteria for defining a category you should always look at the context," says Valery Bolgan, a historian and editor-in-chief of the Intent news agency from Ukraine, with whom Bored Panda got in touch for a comment here. "Or consider the actions, decisions and words of people from a retrospective point of view. The more time paasses - the better."
"For example, at the time of the Titanic's departure from the port of Southampton, buying a ticket on the most luxurious and safest ocean liner in the world certainly looked like incredible luck and the right decision. But after a few days our assessment would have changed, wouldn't it?"
Nah, this is tied to pride or people not believing they're wrong rather than intelligence.
"However, there are always patterns of behavior that look completely disrespectful to other people and, if they are repeated regularly, can really be regarded as a sign of low intelligence. And, what is most sad, this has almost nothing to do with the level of IQ," Valery summarizes. Yes, in the end, history knows too many cases when undoubtedly smart people repeatedly did some stupid things...
This is cowardice or perhaps even intelligence. An intelligent person will calculate risk vs reward and if they draw the line here will they lose an opportunity for a larger gain later.
Gotta disagree. Psychopaths don't have empathy and are often incredibly smart. Same with narcissistic people.
In any case, we sincerely believe that you will be interested in reading this collection, so please feel free to read and scroll it, comment on the viewpoints you find worth discussing - and for sure add your own ideas of such signs. After all, as the ancients said, "there are no limits to human stupidity" - and all we can do is to observe and study it.
Welp I may be ugly but atleast I’m decently OK socially I guess :DDD
I moved from a big city to a moderately small city. People would freak out when I drove for about a year or so living here. Big differences in driving behavior from a big city.
As a bartender, this drives me crazy! Had someone ask for a green tea shot (Jameson, peach schnapps, sour mix and Sprite). Easy peasy because you can mix up multiple shots in a shaker. She complained “it didn’t taste strong”…it’s supposed to taste like green tea! Turns out, she didn’t want the mixers. Just the alcohol. And the kicker? She was a coworker!
I prefer silence but I know some highly intelligent people who need the noise. This is just personal preference.
Extremely intelligent people sometimes have bad manners bc they don't care.
Most of these are nothing to do with intelligence, but are cultural and educational-related. Overall they simply show the personal prejudices and opinions of the people posting them, often making themselves look like they may belong in this list...
Anyone who voted for 'the orange man'. Go on, downvote me, I don't care.
Most of these are nothing to do with intelligence, but are cultural and educational-related. Overall they simply show the personal prejudices and opinions of the people posting them, often making themselves look like they may belong in this list...
Anyone who voted for 'the orange man'. Go on, downvote me, I don't care.