This Online Group Is Dedicated To Things That Are Very Satisfying, Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones
Do you ever feel like you just can’t get no satisfaction? No, not in the way Mick Jagger meant it. But because scrolling on the internet often leads us down a bleak rabbit hole. Whether it’s heartbreaking news headlines or facepalm worthy stories about people who shouldn’t have platforms, it can be difficult to find anything uplifting.
But if you’re looking for some much needed respite from the stress of the world, we’ve got the perfect list down below, pandas. We’ve visited two online communities that are dedicated to sharing satisfying images. So enjoy scrolling through this list that is like ASMR for your eyes, and be sure to upvote the pics that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!
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Stained Glass Reflection On This Cat
Sheets Of Snow
We all know it’s wise to learn how to appreciate the little things in life. Waking up to a beautiful sunrise on a crisp autumn morning and sharing a cup of coffee with a loved one while spilling about everything that’s going on in our lives. The first ripe tomato that appears in your garden at the beginning of summer and the smell of homemade chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven.
But if you’ve learned to appreciate small things, you can also learn to appreciate the beauty of satisfying images from the internet. These two subreddits, r/Satisfyingas[heck] and r/satisfying are dedicated to sharing images and videos that simply make viewers feel good. The groups have amassed 1.5 million and 329k members respectively, and they’re wonderful safe havens from the chaos of the rest of the internet.
Perfectly Aligned Cloud
I Know This Sub Would Appreciate This Beauty!
Photo Of A Peacock Bird (Not The Owner)
If you’re wondering why it’s so important for us to take time out of our days to scroll through some feel-good photos, one key reason is because as a people, we are entirely too stressed. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of people living in the UK say they have been so stressed in the last year that they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope.
Sadly, not even a third of older people can say that they never feel overwhelmed, while only 7% of young adults can say the same. And unsurprisingly, stress impacts our behavior in a variety of ways. 46% of people admit that they have eaten too much or eaten an unhealthy diet due to stress, and nearly a third say they’ve started drinking or increased their alcohol intake due to stress.
Right Spot At The Right Time
The Colors Of This Iceberg Are So Magical
These Cats Sleeping Perfectly Aligned On The Stairs
The psychological impacts of being stressed out are something to be taken seriously as well. Over half of adults who felt stressed reported that they also felt depressed, and 61% noted that they felt anxious as well. Nearly a third of stressed individuals have even had suicidal thoughts, and over a third of stressed out adults report feeling lonely due to being overwhelmed. It’s extremely important that we prioritize stress management and taking care of our mental health in any way we can. If that means taking 10 minutes to scroll through wholesome and satisfying images, by all means, please do so! I’m sure your doctor would agree that you’re taking a wise step.
Wheat Blends Perfectly With Lavender
When Winter Comes And It's Cold, The Cat Curls Up In A Perfect Circle
The Way This Ice Froze To This Fence
While we can’t all be relaxed yoga gurus who drink tea and meditate all day long, there is something we can learn from zen individuals. According to Psych Central, there are plenty of benefits we can experience from learning how to manage our stress. First of all, keeping your stress levels in check can reduce your blood pressure. Stress has been linked with changes in blood pressure, which can lead to hypertension and increase a person’s risk of having a stroke or developing heart disease. Because of this, keeping yourself more relaxed might literally extend your lifetime.
The Perfect Snow
The Way Water Droplets Formed On My Strawberry Plant
Very Rare Beauty. Radiant!
While I agree that it is very beautiful it's not particalarly rare. This is how many types of tomatos ripen.
There’s no question that being stressed can also do a number on our mental health. One 2020 study found that uncertainty stress among college students was linked to high levels of mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. It can be extremely difficult to manage stress, especially as a student, but learning how to do so can help with your mood and make completing assignments and everyday tasks much easier.
My Husband’s Hobby Is Beekeeping. A Colony Abandoned One Of The Hives And This Was Inside 🐝
I Sold My Sofa Over Facebook. Buyer Sent Me This Photo. Perfect Fit
The Horizon, Ocean, And Railing Lined Up
What would you do for a good night’s sleep? Unfortunately, the Sleep Foundation reports that more than one third of adults in the United States aren’t getting enough sleep. Experts say we need a minimum of 7 hours of snoozing time each night, yet unsurprisingly, stress, pain, noise, heartburn, trips to the bathroom, night sweats, PMS and more can keep us from getting our beauty sleep. Psych Central reports that stress can make not only falling asleep, but also staying asleep, more challenging, which can quickly lead to a dangerous cycle. Start taking your bedtime routine seriously by managing your stress levels.
Perfect Cable Management
The Dog I'm Dogsitting Looks Exactly Like Her Food
The Croissants Are Evenly Arranged Into A Perfect Shape Waiting To Be Baked
Maybe for chilling but not ready for baking, they have no room to expand.
If you’re wondering how in the world we’re supposed to decrease our stress when there are wars happening, the cost of living seems to be increasing by the day and the climate is in crisis, you’re not alone. But the CDC recommends a few key ways we can begin to feel more relaxed. First of all, take care of your body. Drink enough water, fuel yourself with healthy meals, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, see your doctor regularly and ensure you get some physical activity in every day.
Peeled To Perfection
The Way The Snow Accumulated
Oh How Wonderful The Rolling Snow Is
Err,not according to the post with the snow pin wheels.
When managing stress, don’t underestimate how helpful the little things can be. A ten minute walk around your neighborhood to get some fresh air, stretch your legs and say hi to a few neighbors can be a great pick-me-up. Call a loved one on the phone and check in with them. Watch a hilarious YouTube video that will have you laughing, and listen to music that you love. And of course, find some satisfying pics online to scroll through!
Image Of A Turtle In A Clear Lake
The Perfect Pea
Are you feeling satisfied with the images on this list, pandas? We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through these photos that might bring you peace. Don’t forget to keep upvoting the pics that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and let us know in the comments below what brings you the most satisfaction in these trying times. Then, if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article featuring satisfying images, look no further than right here!
A Tree Is Like A Chemist
Snow Pinwheels! Natures Warning Sign Of Rising Avalanche Risk
For All You Dads Out There
Tetris Tots
Two Of The Same Car Painted Exactly Opposite Of Each Other
House Covered In Snow
hey, has anybody seen Anna and Peter ? They went to the store like 4 hours ago
The Way This Dog Naturally Lines Up With The Silhouette Of The Pig On This Rug
This Solution Door My Luncheon Meat
Sunrise Over The Blue Ridge Mountains
This Egg My Sister Opened Today
Hippo Table!
My Diet Coke Bubbles (Oc)
Driving To Work At 5am And All The Stop Lights Were Green
Smoothie Perfection (Oc)
I Designed The Ouroboros Keychain
This Super Satisfying Scoop Of Peanut Butter Looks Amazing
A Spectrum In My Backyard
I read a r****m in my backyard. I'm going back to bed today's clearly not gonna be a good one
Cleaned Up The Leather On An Old Pair Of Boots. Oddly Satisfying To Bring Old Leather Back To Life
The Way A Customer Returned A Dish Of Shrimps After Eating Them
I Caught It At The Exact Moment
The Difference Where This Sweater Has Been Defuzzed
The Way The Pikles Arranged Themselves In The Jar Is Quite Beautiful
Arranged themselves? Pretty sure the factory worker arranged them that way.