40 Pet Owners Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They Had To Bring Their Pet To The Vet
We know just how much you love your pets, dear Pandas. If you’re like us, there isn’t anything in the world that you wouldn’t do for your furry (or scaly, or feathery) friends. We’d go to the ends of the earth if that meant that they’ll be happy and healthy. So when a health emergency comes up, some of us panic and rush to the vet, which is a completely normal reaction.
However, in some cases, what we thought was a major problem turned out to be something completely silly. Twitter user Kristin Chirico started up a fun and serotonin-filled thread about ridiculously funny emergency vet bills, and a ton of pet parents replied with their hilarious stories. Dogs with ‘happy tail syndrome’ are just the tip of the smiley iceberg.
Scroll down to put a smile on your face, dear Readers, and be sure to share this article with your pet-loving pals, too. Oh, and don’t forget to upvote the tweets that you enjoyed the most. When you’re done with this awesome list, consider dropping by the comment section to tell us all about your not-so-serious vet visits and how much you love your pets. (Cute cat and dog pics are always appreciated!) Meanwhile, read on for Bored Panda's interview about pets with the PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity.
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Kristin’s Twitter thread went viral and had nearly 11k likes at the time of writing. One thing that it showed us is that, fortunately, not all health emergencies are as bad as they seem. There’s also a subtle hint there that vets have the patience of saints and the sense of humor of stand-up comedians. What would we do without them?
Bored Panda reached out to the PDSA for some advice on how owners can improve their pets’ lives and what mistakes to avoid doing. PDSA Vet Claire Roberts shared her experience with us.
“All pets should have a suitable diet for their species and also for their age and constant access to fresh clean water. Pets should be the correct weight—not too fat or too thin! Owners can use body condition scores to check their pets are the correct size,” she said that you can check out how this works for your pet over here.
Hey, bad gas f*****g HURTS! Pain can make you tense everything up. The sedative relaxed his muscles enough to let the gas escape.
According to the vet, pets need to be allowed to behave in ways that are natural to them. That’s where owners come in: they can help by providing a good environment.
“Allowing plenty of exercise will also help, for example, walks for dogs where they can sniff, run and explore. Cats can be encouraged to exercise and show their normal behaviors through interactive play with toy,” she shared.
“Rabbits and other smaller animals will also like toys or enrichment like cardboard tubes to chew or hide in. Socialization and training from a young age will be helpful in preventing many behavior issues later in life,” Claire told Bored Panda.
The vet noted that when it comes to companionship, a lot depends on what pet you have and their character as an individual, as well.
“Some need the company of their own species (like rabbits or guinea pigs), while others prefer to be on their own.”
“Generally, dogs are likely to want company with other dogs, while cats prefer to be alone, but this can be very individual and it’s best to watch their behavior with each other to see if they get along,” she said.
Claire pointed out that owners have to remember that more pets require more resources. They have to have the means available to take care of all of their furry friends. “When you have multiple pets, make sure to provide them with their own resources such as food bowls, water bowls, beds, and litter trays for cats.”
That’s a bit silly! Hope pup is doing better after the pancreatitis but the smooshy face is cute, despite alarming the vets
There’s nothing wrong with loving animals. In fact, it's wonderful. However, we all have to understand that love also means responsibility, not just cuddling pets 24/7. Some folks rush into pethood without thinking things through. And that ends up hurting everyone in the long run.
Cats be cranky if you change The Routine, AKA The Sacred Routine, AKA The Worship of Cat As Is Proper. :-)
“One big mistake that pet owners may make is to get their pet without learning what owning them may involve. There is so much to think about to give our companions the best life that we can, so it’s a great idea to plan ahead and do lots of research before getting a pet,” the vet suggested.
My dog used to do this a puppy. She’d go outside and then come in with a limp so we’d go over her and check her and when we found nothing wrong, she was suddenly fine again!
“This can allow you to choose the right type of pet that fits in best with your lifestyle, understand their needs, and to make sure you get your pet from a reputable source. Remember to think about which pets are better for households with children or other pets, their exercise requirements, costs, and any likely health issues,” Claire said, adding that you can find a handy quiz to help identify your perfect pet right over here.
1. That is a gorgeous bunny 2. Bunnies can be such food snobs! You’re supposed to give rabbits pelleted food along with hay and fresh greens and such, and while my old man here loves carrots and other treats, as far as his main sustenance, he refuses to touch anything other than pellets, and will only really eat one brand. I mean, I guess it’s not a huge deal since he’s made it to 12 years old so far, but every time I try to make his diet healthier, he turns his nose up at it
Last time I got a new piece of furniture (a cabinet), the Simple Cat did not take it well. If she had to go past it, she'd go Full Puffy and SPRINT past it, then hide and make sure it wasn't chasing her. It took her weeks to stop being afraid of the cabinet.
Ok but in fairness, if it was a single black nipple and all others were pink or different color then I could understand. I mistook my dogs nipple for something because it was different color than the rest so I kept examining it for like 30 minutes before I realized it was just a nipple high up on his chest