40 Shows That Have Amazing Rewatchability According To Folks Online
Interview With ExpertComfort shows for me are the ones that don’t require you to use your brain—all you have to do is sit, watch, and unwind. While Derry Girls, Brooklyn 99, and Modern Family definitely top my list, I also love to watch some of those nonsensical K-dramas.
Different people have different choices when it comes to such comfort shows, so, when Reddit user CamillesSecrets asked them to list the ones they can watch over and over, folks didn’t hold back. What did we do? We compiled a list of the best ones for you, of course! Just scroll down, and check them out!
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The IT crowd.
The Golden Girls. Helps with anxiety.
As you scroll through the list, you might spot your favorite show as well, 'cause I sure did, and I totally agree with netizens when it comes to bingeing them over and over. That's the power good stories have; they leave such a strong impression on you that you can't help but fall in love with them and the fictional characters that make them so amazing.
To talk more about these comfort shows, Bored Panda got in touch with Rishaya Palkhivala—a writer and filmmaker—for an interview. She mentioned that a comfort show should be an easy, feel-good watch.
"For me, it should be both enjoyable and a relaxing watch," she added.
Brooklyn 99.
In the middle of my winter Blues, I cannot tolerate any serious TV show or movie, and have been binge watching this for the last three weeks.
Rishaya also spoke about how shows that are either relatable or have what people want to relate to, could be timeless rewatches. She believes that epic funny scenes that are memorable don't lose their charm over multiple watches.
Speaking about the storytelling elements that make a show feel comforting, our expert claimed that apart from stories of friendship, sitcoms, or romances, she feels like shows with strong yet entertaining relationships work well—whether romantic, friendly, or familial. "Comedy elements always help, but that's just me. I'm sure some people find murder mysteries comforting," Rishaya added.
Malcolm in the Middle.
The Office.
Well, if you think about it, we all have these comfort shows, and these can miraculously unite us in ways we can't even imagine. That's why fandom meets are such magical events where you meet strangers who share the same affinity as you towards a show. That sounds incredible, doesn't it?
While people share love for the same stories, we wanted to know why they gravitate toward comfort shows during times of stress or uncertainty.
Rishaya expressed, "They're stress busters as they are entertaining and don't require too much mental investment. In times of uncertainty, having your comfort show can be one certain thing that doesn't change each time you return to it. You can revisit the same people and circumstances, mouth the well-known dialogues, and re-experience a world that's a little more in your control."
House M.D.
My own personal opinion here. I loved House at first, but after a few seasons, it started to get a bit repetitive. There are only so many diseases/disorders I guess. Every show follows the same pattern, random patient they can't diagnose. House is rude to everyone. They come up with 2/3 incorrect diagnoses before someone, usually House, has the light bulb moment & they are correctly diagnosed. Usually it's a happy ending, although sometimes not. The side story of how House can't hold a normal relationship with anyone gets a bit lame after a while too.
The X-Files.
The newer ones when they got old were nowhere near as good as the original series.
Lastly, while concluding the interview, we had some fun with Rishaya. We asked her about her comfort show, and if her life also turned into one, which would it be.
She replied, "The show I have rewatched most often has got to be Friends—possibly the most common comfort show. Back in the day, rewatches were also mandated by what TV channels did re-runs of, but now, our watching patterns are a little more self-regulated."
"If someone turned my life into a comfort show it would probably be a coming-of-age story of a girl trying to figure her life and messy self out with a dose of chaos. I'm not sure it would always be comforting, but perhaps there is something universal about it," Rishaya wisely narrated.
Loved it. Everyone complained about the ending, but I thought it was a good wrap up. I get that they wanted to end it with more of the cast, but it was still fitting nonetheless
Scrubs. Makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me remember simpler times.
Bob’s Burgers.
Bob's Burgers is the only Fox cartoon I watch any more. I bailed on Simpsons, American Dad, etc years ago. Thanks to the strength of the writing and to the believability of the characters, settings, and stories, it's managed to stay fresh.
Well, that's it from our end and we hope you enjoy the rest of the list. We would also love to hear what comfort show your life would be if it was turned into one. Go on now, and spill the tea.
Also, if you have any other ones that our list might have missed, don't forget to let us know in the comments!
The Good Place. I have watched the entire series about a dozen times.
One of the truly rare shows that completely landed the dismount. The last episode was soooo good.
Schitt's Creek.
30 Rock. There are **so many jokes** that on a rewatch you'll always catch new ones you have underappreciated or didn't fully process, every episode.
Frasier is my go to.
Terrific writing and comic timing in this show from all the actors.
The Simpsons, I usually watch it from season 1 to the latest episode three times in one year, but last year it was only 2.5 times as they keep adding more episodes.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and also Angel.
Derry Girls.
South Park.
So far as I know, I have never seen ONE EPISODE of this show. And never wanted to. Does that make me anti-American?
George Costanza, Marine Biologist.. Kramer: "Is that a Titleist?" ...slow nod.
It Always sunny in Philadelphia.
For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed art thou amongst cocktails. Pray for me now in the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen.
How I met your mother.
Curb your enthusiasm.