After the popularity of Overheard L.A. and then Overheard New York, it seems that we have all become nosy little eavesdroppers. While listening in on strangers conversations should still be considered rude and intrusive, sometimes you can't help but pick up a juicy snippet of gossip, completely out of context, that is just comedy gold.
People are taking to Twitter in their thousands to document these random overheard conversations, and while this may suck in terms of our privacy when out among strangers, its certainly good for a laugh on the internet!
Scroll down below to check out some of the best, compiled in a list by Bored Panda. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and don't forget to vote for your favorites!
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No shame here but I was the same way when I got on my first flight at 18 years old lol
I do this with my daughter. I'm always closest to the street and on those rare occasions when she comes in my room in the middle of the night to get in my bed, I always sleep closest to the door just in case I gotta pull out my Kimber Solo and whoop some intruders a*s. Hahahahaha.
Dad's sighing cuz actually he wanna engage in super awesome space travel but can't :(
I don't like most kids but when I hear little children that crazy, I know they'd be something one day
In a few years she will understand that faster is not always better
What's even MORE sad is the folks that just can't find humor in life. Why so serious?
:( I don't care if this comment gets down voted, I cannot keep this inside: This is an awful thing to say to any child of any age. We don't own anyone, not even our kids. They are PEOPLE, with their own bodies, their own brains, their own feelings and opinions and no one owns them. not their parents, no one. they are not belongings or things or slaves.
This is, no joke, why I didn't get anything more than a trim for 10 years of my life.
Well it has some bacteria, right? Unless distilled. So not quite vegan :):) In Canada they sell gluten - free water :) WTF
This sounds like something I'd say. I once worked at our local golf course where people look for puffins. People would come into the pro shop and ask me about them and I got into trouble for telling the rich guests that they taste great. Probably not the best thing to say.
I wear DC's at work. Flat and comfy for *me*. Got a problem with it? Stop looking at my feet, you're weird........
It is rough to date outside your phone platform but it's doable if you work at it :D (my beau has an iPhone but I don't hold it against him)
Some libraries require membership for entry. That is a sin against God and a crime against humanity. When I am empress, those people will be flogged. And keel-hauled.