I traveled to Papua New Guinea for 1 month and went to see the biggest tribal gathering in the world. It happens every year in the highlands of the country, a town call Goroka.

The festival brings thousand of people coming from all over the country to share the traditional way of life from the different tribes. Each tribe has its own culture, clothing and songs. The festival last for 3 days, every day the different tribes come one by one in the grass field in a music mixing, color and pride.

The feathers of the birds of paradise always been important in the Papua culture, they use them for decorative head gear, ceremonial dress, traditional skirts. They represent beauty and seduction for them, the sing sing (music and dance) is base of the birds of paradise behavior into the wild.

I did not know where to look at, there were so many people and tribes dressed in their traditional costumes. It was difficult to focus on one particular thing. I was excited and I felt privileged to be there among them and to share this moment with them.

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