This Online Group Is Dedicated To “Mildly Interesting” Stuff, And Here Are Their 50 Best Posts
Running through our daily routines with a burden of endless commitments weighing down on us, few of us find a moment to look around. To really look at things that surround us. In this rare moment, not dissimilar to a meditation of some sort, you may find stuff you have never seen before.
Like, realizing that your rug looks like an exact version of a napkin, or that your jaw from below looks just like your nose from above. Call it random, but a whopping 18.4m members of the subreddit “Mildly Interesting” totally swear by it.
Created in 2012, this online group has a devotee following on Reddit and it’s kinda crazy when you think how comparatively little it offers. It’s not “super” interesting, not even “really” interesting; the things posted here are “mildly” interesting, which makes them a perfect balance between two poles of the world, interesting, which is rare, and uninteresting, which is all too common.
So we hand-picked the mildest of interesting things from the subreddit for you to scratch your head over how random, yet cool some stuff in this crazy world is.
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Social Distancing Escalator At Local Mall.
I Have Partial Heterochromia In Both Eyes
My Dog’s Shampoo Is Tested On Humans First.
Turns out that the phrase “mildly interesting” has been used way prior to the “Mildly Interesting” subreddit's launch in 2012. According to Know Your Meme, its first uses online can be traced back as early as July 2005. Just like today, it has been used to describe things that “are not completely captivating, but worth checking out.”
Know Your Meme reports that on July 10th, 2005, the site X-Entertainment compiled a list featuring “mildly interesting” print adverts found in '80s comic books and magazines.
However, it took 7 more years before internet culture really caught up with the phrase, which has become a household name to describe anything that causes “mild interest” in viewers.
This Elevator Has Giant Buttons You Can Push With Your Feet
Buried Christmas Lights
This Finnish Bread-Brand Put A Mask On Their Mascot
Today, “mildly interesting” has grown into a sort-of internet trend with numerous Twitter accounts where people share pictures, videos, screenshots, and whatnot that best capture the essence of the phrase.
The huge popularity of the “mildly interesting” trend may have to do with the fact that it refers to the very middle ground that connects intriguing content with something bland and not worth sharing.
In the online culture where exceptionally original, rarely seen, and super captivating content is increasingly rare, “Mildly Interesting” offers a comforting space to quench one’s thirst for browsing through quite, but not too interesting stuff.
My Bathroom Window Looks Like A Painting
My One Dog Looks Like My Other Dog's Shadow.
My New Fridge Came With A Noise Description
My University Has A Yolo Button That Randomly Dispenses A Drink
Found A Snoopy House On My Walk
This Convenience Store’s Floor Is Made Of Bottle Caps.
A Lizard Fell From The Ceiling And Left This Dusty Imprint On My Wireless Charger.
My University Has A Rack For People To Lock Their Skateboards!
Taking Quotes For A New Neon Sign For The Bar I Work At And One Of The Companies Brought Their Neon Pallet
My Freezer Produces Ice Spheres Rather Than Ice Cubes
My Town’s Library Is Under Construction, So They’re Using An Old Grocery Store As The Temporary Library
I work at a homeless shelter, currently located in an old grocery store. The sign above the staff desk says "EXPRESS LANE 15 ITEMS OR LESS".
My Mom Has A Mark Twain Novel Written Under His Real Name
Our Wedding Bands Are Laser Engraved With Each Other's Fingerprint
Covid Vaccine Being Delivered Via Ice Cream Trucks And Police Escort To A Hospital
I Restored A Beat To Hell Old Pair Of Doc Martens I Found Lying Around My Neighborhood.
The Hospital I Work For Was Originally Designed To Be A Hotel
Making Breakfast This Morning, A Broken Yolk Formed Around A Bubble To Create A Reverse Egg.
My Flatmate Placed A Mirror To Get Sun Into Their Room
Found These 110(?) Year Old Crayolas In The Back Of A Family Secretary Desk. The Pack Still Has The Crayons.
Next up from Pixar - the tragic tale of six anthropomorphic crayons left to gather dust for 100 years, before boldly setting out to make their mark on society. Because, y'know, Cra-YOLO!
My Rug Looks Like A Giant Version Of My Napkin
My Tires Have Percentages Cast Into The Rubber That Slowly Appear The More Miles You Drive So You Know How Much Tread Depth Is Remaining.
Some Continental brand tires have "D W S" cast into them representing dry, wet, and snow traction. The S wears out first meaning they're no longer good for winter. After the W wears out they're only safe in dry weather.
The Thorn That’s Been Traveling Through My Fingernail Since July 18 Completed Its Journey In October
This Hi-Hat Stand Used As A Handsfree Sanitizer Dispenser
I love seeing all the sanitizer dispensers different stores come up with
Burned Out Microwave Bulb Left This Smoke Pattern Inside
The Machine That Made This Penny Must’ve Missed The Coin Face By A Bit
My 100% Complete Collection Of Every LEGO Shield Ever Made
These Handles Don't Connect To The Floor So The Floor Can Be Cleaned More Easily.
Me And My Brother Made A Bridge For School That Held 65 Pounds!
Found My Great Grandpa’s Wwii Air Force Goggles With Wwii Dirt Still On Em
At The Back Of This Intel Sticker You Can See The Processor Architecture
My Girlfriend’s China Was Made In Occupied Japan.
Made in Japan, and made in occupied japan items are highly collectible
At My Work, We Have Bags Of Pure Oreo Cream
My Jaw From Below Looks Like My Nose From Above
In Autumn, My City Has A Public Service That Comes By And Sucks Up The Leaves You Rake To The Curb
This House I Toured Had A Hidden Entrance To Their Utility Room
Imagine playing hide in seek in your house with people who had never been there before. Just imagine the joy.
We Have A Bedroom For My Dog Under The Staircase
The Old Escalators Of Wynyard Train Station In Sydney Now Hang From The Ceiling
This Art Made With One Way Mirrors In My Town.
This Old Copper Crayon Turned Green
Amish/Mennonite People Looking At A Super Car
We used to go to an Amish community several times a year. As a kid who was spoiled rotten by a well-off family I was always super impressed with the way they lived and the quality of their work. I secretly wanted to be sent off to live with them for a few years except without the religion (which I know isn't even an option but still, I was wishing so I could wish that...).
At My Local Supermarket, The Price Of Rum Goes Up As The Naval Ranking Goes Down
My New Meds Are Ball-Shaped
Might be easier to swallow or won't get stuck in your throat? I hate it when a capsule sticks in my throat