Conflicts are inevitable, and that’s a fact. They will happen at your workplace, with your closest friends and even with your next-door neighbor. Just think about it – we live on a flying orb where every single one of us has contrasting views on things, so, in reality, it would’ve been quite odd for every person to get along.

Some folks are more restrained, and they’ll always find a way to overcome any unnecessary dispute – others like to get their point across, even if they’re wrong. It’s an unpleasant and highly distressing process that can seriously mess with one’s well-being, and it’s crucial to look for a more peaceful way out whenever possible.

Family dramas – on the other hand – are way different to your typical altercations due to the emotional connection that they hold; and even if you had the most supportive bond throughout your whole life, you never know if there’ll be a fight that will get you disowned by your own parent.

More info: Reddit

Setting boundaries is good for you and the people around you, even if it means cutting your own family off

Image source: Anastasia Pavlenko (not the actual photo)

“AITA for refusing to let my family see my son until they make a formal apology to my wife and announce it online?” – this online user took it to everyone’s favorite online forum to reveal a story regarding one of the fights he had with his family and, perhaps, seek help from fellow users to find out whether he might’ve overreacted. The post has managed to receive nearly 9K upvotes and 1.8K worth of comments in just a couple of days.


Online user requested a public apology from his family as they’ve made his life a living hell after they found out about his relationship with his late brother’s fiancée

Image source: stillunsureabout

The author began his post by revealing that the story took place a couple of years after his brother’s death. The man was living in a different state and 3 years later, he decided to move back home, where everyone knows everyone. Later on, he met his late brother’s fiancée at a friend’s birthday party and they became friends.

Image source: stillunsureabout

Time went by and they fell in love – however, the couple decided not to tell anyone. Once the relationship got serious, they finally announced that they were together and, naturally, the family wasn’t so pumped about it. It even got to the point where the OP’s mother didn’t talk to either of them for a while. A few months later, the man’s partner got pregnant and everyone went absolutely ballistic; his sister started spreading unnecessary rumors about their “affair”, saying that they’d been together before his brother passed away, which, of course, wasn’t true.



Image source: stillunsureabout

The situation totally went out of control and even split the family into two camps. The author’s mother practically disowned him, saying that she didn’t have a son anymore because he had disrespected his late brother’s memory. The couple then realized that it was too much to handle, so they moved away and blocked everyone for the sake of having a fresh start. They’re now married, have a 3-year-old and are pregnant with their second baby.

Later on, the man’s family decided to turn up, completely out of the blue, requesting to make “amends” so that they could be a part of their lives. They’ve apologized a thousand times, blaming everything on the grief – however, the spouses talked it over and agreed that they would only consider it if the family would publicly apologize and admit to all the rumors they spread about their relationship.


Image source: stillunsureabout

As expected, the author’s family refused to do so, as they’re extremely ashamed and embarrassed of what they did, plus, it would be tough for them since everybody who would see that apology live around them. The mother then went on to explain that she completely understands that she hurt the couple, yet she begged them not to make it any harder. Moreover, the OP’s dad believes that the man’s behavior is quite petty, since he thinks that his mother and everyone involved have already learned their lessons.

Image source: Quinn Dombrowski (not the actual photo)

The dad also questioned the author demanding an explanation as to why he is trying to put his own mother through such distress after she’s been through enough with the loss of her son, while also backing her up by saying that she only wants her family back.

Fellow Redditors shared their own thoughts and opinions