Welcome to r/EntitledKids! The subreddit where people share stories about all the spoiled and whiny children they encounter. It's hard to accurately describe its menu, but here you will find a range of behaviors that vary from small daily displays of spoiled-ness (trying to blow out your sibling's candles on their birthday) to full-on schemes (ordering $300 worth of toys without your parents knowing) that are supposed to get the world dancing according to your tune. Here are some of the all-time most-upvoted posts you can find on the sub!


Saw This On Facebook Today, Made Me Giggle A Bit

Saw This On Facebook Today, Made Me Giggle A Bit

queenboogie67 Report

Parenting expert Amy McCready calls this type of behavior “The Me, Me, Me Epidemic,” and believes it happens in tiny little ways every single day, even when parents aren't conscious of it.

"We've all known kids (maybe even in our own families) who feel entitled to have things go their way, who expect the best of life without rolling up their sleeves, and for whom gratitude is not a part of their attitude," McCready wrote in TODAY

"While these kids can be hard to live with now, over-entitled kids eventually become high-maintenance employees and demanding spouses with the same childish attitudes, only on a greater scale. It’s a big problem because kids who feel entitled to call the shots all the time are unable to handle it when things don’t go their way (like here in the real world)."

The good news? She says it's totally curable.


This A-Hole Kid Who Ages 20 Years In The Last Panel

This A-Hole Kid Who Ages 20 Years In The Last Panel

Rodriguezed23 Report


Nice Try Kiddo

Nice Try Kiddo

paolols Report

"While we can point fingers and blame social media, reality TV, and a host of other outside influences, one of the biggest factors in the spread of this 'epidemic' is us — the parents," McCready explained.


Of course, moms and dads want the best for their kids and none of them intend to raise an entitled child, but McCready believes that often in their loving attempts to do the best for their little ones, people over-parent.

"We over-indulge, over-praise, and mow down any obstacle in their path with ninja-like swiftness. And when we do? We rob kids of the opportunity to do for themselves, learn from mistakes, or overcome adversity."


Ek Lies To Mum To Try Get My Girlfriend In Trouble

Ek Lies To Mum To Try Get My Girlfriend In Trouble

epicpig_slav Report


Pretty Sure This Belongs Here

Pretty Sure This Belongs Here Report


Kids Smash Glass Artwork Whole Parents Stand Back And Film

Kids Smash Glass Artwork Whole Parents Stand Back And Film

colerarso Report

For everyone's sake, McCready suggests considering these five strategies:

1. Expect more and give your kids some credit. "They can and SHOULD make meaningful contributions to the family. Expect your toddlers to teens to do Family Contributions (not “chores”) on a daily basis and expect them to take on increasing amounts of responsibility through the years. After all, they are part of the family and everyone’s contributions matter. When you hold your kids to a higher standard, they WILL meet it — and often exceed it. What they’ll get in return will be life skills they need to head out into the world as happier, more successful and self-sufficient human beings. And you? You get to know that you helped to make that happen. (Way to go!)"


I Found This While Looking At Reviews For An Okay Gaming Headset

I Found This While Looking At Reviews For An Okay Gaming Headset

glockitsthecops Report


Found This Gem

Found This Gem

MissBarker93 Report


Sounds Like Someone Needs To Either Stop Playing, Or Get Anger Management...

Sounds Like Someone Needs To Either Stop Playing, Or Get Anger Management...

Paradigmfusion Report

2. Give up on giving in. "Do you ever say YES when you really want to say No? Cave at the candy counter at checkout? Pacify with the treat when your kid is throwing a fit? It’s time to turn over a new leaf and have the courage to say “NO” and mean it! You’ll teach your kids that life won’t always go their way and that’s OK. You’ll be establishing — and sticking — to healthy boundaries. And your little ones and big ones will learn that fit-throwing, eye-rolling, and pouting isn’t going to do the trick. Now, for all of you who struggle with this — repeat after me: I’m NOT being a bad guy — I’m being a good PARENT. You can do this!"


A Child In My Daughters School (They Are Both 14)

A Child In My Daughters School (They Are Both 14)

RiseBlackKnight Report


We Told Someone That We Couldn’t Sell The Fish And Their Kid Threw A Tantrum And Threw A Decoration Through The Tank

We Told Someone That We Couldn’t Sell The Fish And Their Kid Threw A Tantrum And Threw A Decoration Through The Tank

msotelo24 Report


The Face Makes Me Want To Flush Her Down The Toilet For Good

The Face Makes Me Want To Flush Her Down The Toilet For Good

alittlebitiffy , Report

3. Hand over the reins. "Every time we rescue our kids from their mistakes, intervene on their behalf, or smooth the way so things are easier for them, we rob them of a learning opportunity — the chance to be responsible, to figure it out for themselves, or to face a scary situation. Little by little they just stop trying. It’s time to hand over the reins to their rightful owner. Instead of rushing the homework to school so your kids don’t get in trouble, let them know with love (and plenty of training so they can be successful) that it’s their responsibility to remember what they need each day."

Instead, let them know that having their own conversations with teachers, coaches, and peers about issues that arise is a powerful part of growing up. "You can help prepare them by role-playing so THEY can have respectful conversations and learn problem-solving skills," McCready said.


"Trust in your kids’ ability and turn over the reins so they can learn from their successes and failures. You’ll be there to support them — but they’ll feel so much more empowered by handling things on their own without you intervening or rescuing."


Teen Thinks That His Actions Don’t Effect People On The Other Side Of His Screen

Teen Thinks That His Actions Don’t Effect People On The Other Side Of His Screen

Just_here_for_memes1 Report


The Photo Says It All

The Photo Says It All

SantaClaws004 Report


This Happened A While Ago, Still Not Really Sure If This Person Was Messing With Me Or Not

This Happened A While Ago, Still Not Really Sure If This Person Was Messing With Me Or Not

_purplesaturn_ Report

4. Shut down the ATM. "Instant gratification is king in today’s society. 'I want it, I get it. Now.' The best way to fight this phenomenon with our kids is to stop handing over $20 whenever they ask for it."

"Set a specific allowance amount per week and a list of expenses your child is now responsible to cover. Little kids can use allowance for 'treats' when they go to the store, big kids can be responsible for school lunches, school clothing, and entertainment. Allowance is an essential tool to teach delayed gratification and fiscal responsibility — how to spend wisely, save, budget, and give charitably. How will our kids be successful with a real paycheck and bigger expenses if they don’t learn those important life skills at home? Teach them the tools and help them flourish."


I Have No Words

I Have No Words

TanmayM21 Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Wow The Cajones On This Entitled Kid

Wow The Cajones On This Entitled Kid

mashath Report


"My Chocolate Is More Important Than Your Groceries!!!!"

"My Chocolate Is More Important Than Your Groceries!!!!"

MissBarker93 Report


My Sister Who Is 7 Years Old Wanted A Frappuccino At 9 O’clock And Has School Tomorrow Is Throwing A Tantrum Because My Mom Didn’t Let Her Get It Late At Night

My Sister Who Is 7 Years Old Wanted A Frappuccino At 9 O’clock And Has School Tomorrow Is Throwing A Tantrum Because My Mom Didn’t Let Her Get It Late At Night

Lucario_Girl Report

5. Un-center their universe. "The research is clear that those with an 'attitude of gratitude' in life are happier, less depressed, take stress in stride, and see life with healthy optimism. In our over-indulged culture, we know that gratitude takes practice. It’s something we have to teach our kids."

Try to model for kids and let them know the world doesn’t owe anyone anything — we all have to do our part to make it a better place.

"Help kids learn to appreciate their circumstances. When you practice daily gratitude rituals at home, actively seek to do random acts of kindness, and find opportunities to serve others throughout the year (not just during the holidays) — you are helping to set your children and your family on the path to a much more rewarding life," McCready concluded.


Of course, these tips may not solve all your problems. Every child and every situation are different. But they can lead to huge improvements.


Trash Dumping, Seat Kicking Gremlin

Trash Dumping, Seat Kicking Gremlin

emkayy23 Report




lordofthehamstrings Report


Girls Pushed A Random Guy Into A Frozen Lake And After Being Called Out Here's What They Said

Girls Pushed A Random Guy Into A Frozen Lake And After Being Called Out Here's What They Said

BevTheArtist Report


Ek Came Into My Store Today And Made A Mess. When She Couldn’t Find What She Wanted She Had A Full Blown Tantrum And Rolled Around On The Floor Crying. She Was Like 8 Jesus. I Love My Job

Ek Came Into My Store Today And Made A Mess. When She Couldn’t Find What She Wanted She Had A Full Blown Tantrum And Rolled Around On The Floor Crying. She Was Like 8 Jesus. I Love My Job

launie357 Report


This Entitled Bratt

This Entitled Bratt

GhostRxm Report


My Brother Threw A Soccer Ball And Chair At Our TV

My Brother Threw A Soccer Ball And Chair At Our TV

seagod900 Report


Entitled Kid Threatened To Report Me To Yt... Because They Didn't Like A Video I Posted

Entitled Kid Threatened To Report Me To Yt... Because They Didn't Like A Video I Posted

RandomLozzie Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Entitled Girl Is Mad That Her Parents Are Taking Her To Disneyland Instead Of Taking Her To The Mall To Buy *more* X-Mas Presents (She Already Bought Some And Is Now Demanding More, Even Though She’s Getting A Ton On The 25 Too)

Entitled Girl Is Mad That Her Parents Are Taking Her To Disneyland Instead Of Taking Her To The Mall To Buy *more* X-Mas Presents (She Already Bought Some And Is Now Demanding More, Even Though She’s Getting A Ton On The 25 Too)

polypolypolydia Report


Ek Fakes His Brain Cancer And Admits It

Ek Fakes His Brain Cancer And Admits It

Tech-Support-420 Report


This Kid Thinks Life Is Free If You Fake Some Pain

This Kid Thinks Life Is Free If You Fake Some Pain

RomanMule72 Report


Entitled Brother Refusing To Understand Why He Can't Visit His Girlfriend During Lockdown

Entitled Brother Refusing To Understand Why He Can't Visit His Girlfriend During Lockdown

nne420 Report

Note: this post originally had 46 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.