There is something mysterious and whimsical about the forest. The dense trees cluster to hide a whole separate world of odd and interesting discoveries you won't find anywhere else. Bored Panda has rounded up photos of the stranges, coolest and curious finds people have documented from their walks in the forest.
From forgotten objects transformed into moss-covered relics to visual wonders created by mother nature herself to logs and trees accessorized by dedicated visitors (or fairies). Scroll down to check out these delightful photographs that might inspire you to go wandering off the beaten path and explore the woods. And don't forget to upvote your favs!
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I Found This In My Local Woods
This is a memorial for loyal companions that crossed the Rainbow Bridge. So many good boys and girls. So much unconditional love.
One of the reasons your lungs feel refreshed when walking through a pine forest is because of an anti-inflammatory compound called a-Pinene, found in conifers. It is used as a bronchodilator in the treatment of asthma and abundantly present in marijuana.
I Was Out For A Walk In The Woods Today And Almost Stepped On This Beauty
Found This In The Woods Today
There is a 2400 year old giant “honey mushroom” in Oregon, covering 2200 acres, slowly killing off the trees in the forest. It is the largest living organism on the planet.
Found This In The Woods While Trail Riding
Abandoned Russian House Found In The Woods
In the Battle of Hurtgen Forest during WW2, the forest was so dense and dark and hard to navigate that the German and Allied medics shared an aid station in the only building either could easily find.
Me And My Girlfriend Were Walking In The Woods The Other Week And Saw A Rainbow Pool For The First Time
Buddy Of Mine Came Across This Dinosaur In The Woods The Other Day
The Redwood Forest in northern California is famous for its towering redwood trees which can grow more than 350 feet tall. This is the height on an average skyscraper. Some redwood trees are so big that miniature forests grow on their upper branches.
Standing In A Huge Pond That Sinks Every Dry Season
This Tree I Found Hiking Looks Like A Forest Monster Watching Over You
A man called Jadav Payeng single-handedly planted a forest bigger than Central Park to save Majuli Island in Northern India from erosion. The forest is now home to large amounts of stray wildlife.
I Went For A Walk In The Forest And Came Upon This Ponderosa Pine Tree That Had Been Struck By Lightning
Found Old Dog Tags In A Metal Pile In Our Woods. Reunited Them With His Wife, Who Lost Her Husband Of 60 Years In 2010
Stairs To Nowhere In New Hampshire
Found This Sword In Epping Forest, England
This Stick I Found Looks Like A Burning Torch, Flame Included!
Found This Mushroom While Hiking In The Woods, There’s Gotta Be A Rabbit Hole Nearby
This Moss Covered Boot Found In The Woods
*shhh* It's A Flock Of Wild Toilets Roosting
I Found A Memorial For A Fallen Tree While Hiking
I Was Driving Through The Back Roads Of Pennsylvania On The Way To A Camping Spot And Found A Mountain Of Ceramic Dishes And Tea Cups In The Middle Of The Woods
I would like to know the back story as to why there is a mountain of dishes. That is a very random road find.
Abandoned Train Tunnel We Found In The Woods
Moved To Wisconsin. Found This In The Woods
Found This Purple Lil Guy Hiking In PA
this is that one purple mushroom in Mario. unless you want to shrink size, don't eat
What My Parents Found On Their Hike
This Log Accessorized With Pennies I Found While Hiking
Found This Bottle With Moss While Walking In The Woods
So I Was Walking In A Forrest Near My City And Found This
Sign I Found In The Woods That Depicts A Man Jumping Over Some Scary Looking Hands
I Was Out Fossil Hunting In A Wash After A Thunderstorm. I Figured It Had To Uncover A Bit Of Stuff Down In The Streambed. I Found This
Found This Fireplace In The Woods While Adventuring
Came Across An Overgrown Cemetery In The Woods
My Brother Found This (Missile?) In The Woods In Tennessee
Found This Phone Booth In The Middle Of The Woods
Have you tried dialing 62442? Maybe it's an unused entrance to the ministry of magic
Found 43 Bucks In A Pair Of Jeans In The Woods
Hiking Through The Woods On A Hot Day, Came Across This Oasis
Found This Bicycle In The Woods. Someone Had Big Plans?
I Found A Dead Robot In The Woods Behind My House
Found An Old Helicopter In The Woods
I Found An Old Crematorium In The Woods Of An Uninhabited Island
My Dog Found A Large Pile Of Carrots In The Woods
Friend Found This While Hiking The Connecticut Wilderness
Some finds are super creepy or interesting, but it makes me cringe how many people find the woods as a personal trashing space :/