57 Inspirational Bathroom Stall Messages To Make Your Day Less Crappy
Public toilets were famously popular in the Roman Empire. Romans were also fond of graffiti. The fact that people scribble stuff inside bathroom stalls is thus a historical inevitability. Romans, Mayans, Vikings, and Varangians all left their names or funny messages wherever they went. Hagia Sophia still bears the name of Halvdan, who carved it while in the employ of the Byzantine emperor.
It's only natural that modern-day bathroom goers would do the same by leaving their version of inspirational messages.
Do you have any funny pictures of bathroom quotes and inspirational sayings? Post them below, because there can never be enough inspirational quotes straight from a public toilet. Don't forget to vote for the ones you've liked the best!
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Saw This On The Bathroom Wall
Don't Be Ashamed
Inspirational Bathroom Graffiti
Found In The Bathroom Stall At My College
Bathroom Stall Poetry At Its Finest
Women's Washroom
This Baby Changing Sign
Bathroom Graffiti Masterpiece
My Eye Blows
This Bathroom Graffiti Is Positive
Bathroom Stall Snobbery
This Can Blow Your Mind
Do Not Disturb
Well If It's Written On A Bathroom Stall, It Must Be True
This Made Me Laugh When I Sat Down
My Favorite Piece Of Bathroom Wall Graffiti Yet
School Bathroom Poetry At Its Finest
Bathroom Wall Poetry At My Local Bar
The Wisdom You Can Find Written In A Bathroom Stall
Wise Words From The Bathroom Stall
You Can Find Magic Everywhere
It would have been perfect except for that misplaced apostrophe... :D
Some Words Of Inspiration
This Is Some Graffiti On The Ceiling Of The Bathroom Of A Local Concert Venue
Words Of Wisdom...
Philosophy On Bathroom Wall
So This Is On A Bathroom Stall At School
Go For It, Bro
Best Bathroom Graffiti I've Seen In A While
Have A Nice Poop
Come Inside And Meet The Missus
Ready, Willing And Able
Found In Franz Kafka Museum In Prague, Czech Republic
Boldly Going...
Life Is About Being Happy
Bathroom Revelation
This Is Where It All Begun..
Supportive Bunny
Accurate Bathroom Graffiti At Work
This Was In A Stall In Best Buy
#heeere's Johnny!
I Never Saw The First One.
Does it say, "Toy Story 2 was okay"? Some of us have crappy vision.
Thiss Is Where It All Begun..
I Miss Mine.
Shakespeare came here to sit and think, I come here to s**t and stink.
I remember I saw a poem written on the wall of a bathroom stall in NYC, it said So I sit here, Broken hearted came to s**t But only farted!
Yesterday I took a chance, tried to fart and s**t my pants.
Load More Replies...Shakespeare came here to sit and think, I come here to s**t and stink.
I remember I saw a poem written on the wall of a bathroom stall in NYC, it said So I sit here, Broken hearted came to s**t But only farted!
Yesterday I took a chance, tried to fart and s**t my pants.
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