Society has a lot of rules, regulations, and expectations for how you ‘should’ behave. Don’t be rude. Be demure. Be a good student. Go to college. Be skinny but not too skinny. Work at a good company. Get engaged. Get married. Have children. Buy a house. Have even more kids. Get a second car. Get along with everyone, etc.

The list is endless. Those unmet expectations can introduce a lot of stress into a person’s life. The reality is that you don’t have to meet any of those expectations. You’re free to live your life however you want and to find your path despite what you're pressured to do. In short, live as authentically as you can. The members of the popular AskWomen online community revealed the things that they love about themselves that society thinks are ‘inappropriate.’ Scroll down for their stories.


Woman relaxing with tea, embracing something society sees as inappropriate yet she loves about herself. That I love being alone, in my own company. I do have a handful of close friends, but I prefer my own company above all others. I never get lonely and I never get bored. I don’t understand someone who wants to be around another person 24-7 like in a marriage. I lived with someone for 8 years when I was in my 20’s and NEVER EVER again. I’ve had relationships here and there over the years but am never looking to be in one. This seems to baffle so many people.

DimmyMoore70 , freepik Report

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Jane No Dough
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Can't upvote this enough! Do not want anyone's company 365 a year! Do not want to "compromise" about everything I eat, watch, or do. Do not want to share every damn thing! I'd consider another marriage only if it was part-time, like "weekend marriage".

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    Woman lovingly holding baby on a cozy sofa, expressing joy and comfort. Lack of desire to become a mother.

    Daeromarthys , nastyaofly / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In recent years, I'm seeing a polarizing shift that desiring to become a mother is frowned upon and to decide to not have kids is met with "Good on you for not playing a part in over-populating the world."

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    A couple lying in bed, smiling and embracing each other closely, expressing affection and happiness. I love having sex, I loved sleeping around when I was single, I am super sexually liberated and I have no shame about it.

    need_a_nap_asap , freepik Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women being judged for enjoying sex is the epitomy of mysoginy. We have a body that can give us pleasure too why are we not allowed to enjoy it? Oh because a mans enjoyment might be diminished somehow if the woman he is with has enough experience to chase her own pleasure? Its the crux of what is sickest about male chauvinists. You know how you sometimes just cant help but self pleasure because it feels good? Guess what? Both sexes have the nerve bundles to experience that, why is it only considered natural for men?

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    The way that specific cultures view femininity and masculinity affects life in a myriad of ways. For example, it can also influence the types of extracurricular activities (like sports) that people feel pressured to embrace or avoid. Some attitudes are hard to shake.

    But something to keep in mind is that these attitudes vary from society to society. What’s ‘weird’ in one geographic area can be perfectly acceptable elsewhere.

    A 2017 study found that the choice of sports still corresponds to sports traditionally associated with men or women. That being said, these activities also coexist with other ‘neutral’ sports. Typically, girls’ sports practice was more diverse than boys’, who were more resistant to embracing female activities.


    Woman smiling during a video call, embracing uniqueness, wearing a white sweater and headphones, with a laptop. So many times I’ve been told I won’t get married if I don’t change the way I speak or live. People would say things like, ‘Men don’t like women with careers,’ or ‘You’re too independent.’

    Well, I’m still not married, and I absolutely love it. I get to do everything I want, and I’m completely in love with myself. 🥰

    XPrincessKitx , vkstudio / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Marriage is pretty scary. You're legally tied together and I hear registering for divorce is more expensive that getting the marriage license. My mom told me, actually, not to get married. lol She did 3 times.

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    Woman confidently smiling, embracing her natural style with a cozy blue sweater outdoors. Being childfree and happy.

    BarbarianFoxQueen , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s wonderful. All respect to parents, I’m glad yall get joy and fulfillment out of having little ones and watching them grow. I get my joy and fulfillment from staying child-free and prioritizing my own wants and needs. I’m so glad we’re living during a time where it’s starting to become a totally ok option to live however you want, at least in my part of the world! (Not sure how long it’ll stay this way unfortunately…..)

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    A woman in a yellow sweater discusses with a man in a kitchen setting, highlighting societal norms and self-acceptance. Being confrontational. It's not that I go out and look to have a fight, but I will speak up about annoying behaviour when others are too afraid to do so. I've been called quite a few b-words because of it, but I don't care.

    ZebLeopard , Drazen Zigic / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It wasn't that long ago women were expected to apologize for getting upset, even when justified. This mentality is still staying strong as we are told to "calm down" whenever we show any emotion. We get spoken to about showing outward emotion, regardless of positive, neutral or negative. Just speaking with our hands gets us in trouble. Now, we have derogatory terms and women's names being used as insults. Just another move to keep women down.

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    As per the researchers from the University of Vigo, the University of Leon, and the University of A Coruña, a person’s gender is still the most defining factor when it comes to sports. Generally, feminine extracurricular activities are associated with rhythm, expression, and dancing. Swimming was also found to be more feminine, as was walking.

    According to research, stereotypically, masculine sports were associated with more danger, risk, violence, speed, strength, endurance, challenge, and team spirit.

    However, there were some cultural exceptions. For instance, in Portugal, football was one of the most practiced sports among girls, though in Spain, football was associated with activities that boys focus on.


    “Likewise, sports practiced by girls in other European contexts did not feature so noticeable rhythmic-expressive characteristics,” the researchers noted.


    Woman confidently wearing a green shirt and headphones, embracing her style and individuality. I have zero interest in sex, romantic relationships, or children. I keep getting told I’ll change my mind or I’m a naive young person but I don’t care.

    FloweryNamesLover , freepik Report

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    Feathered Dinosaur
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aroace! I'm aromantic, too, and tried dating because it's what society tells you to do- find a soul mate etc etc. I absolutely hated it

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    Couple embracing on bed, highlighting self-love and acceptance, challenging societal views on what's inappropriate for women. Having a “high body count.” I enjoyed myself a lot in my 20s and have zero regrets. I went on lots of dates, met a lot of interesting people, learned a lot about people, had a lot of fun, and tried out everything I wanted to try. I feel calm in my 30s knowing that my sexual curiosities were fulfilled.

    little_traveler , Racool_studio / freepik Report

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    Andy Pandy
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a man, this makes sense to me too. I had a lot of fun when I was younger, now I'm married with kids I don't want anyone else and have no interest in being with anyone else sexually. I've also gained the experience where I can please my wife in bed every time

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    Woman confidently jogging through the forest, enjoying self-expression while wearing athletic gear and earbuds. This might sound kind of shallow but my height and flat chest! I was insecure about it for the longest time because people always say that women who are tall and/or have no chest are “just men” but more recently I’ve started to love it! I’m a runner and do cross country and track and field for my college and my body is so functional for my sport!

    PreppyHotGirl , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tbh, I hate having boobs. I'd rather be flat chested and not have to deal with underwire bras being top heavy. My back and shoulders are probably bearing more of the brunt than I'm knowing because I'm just used to it. Until I jump.

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    A thoughtful woman with long hair, standing against a brick wall, embracing her individuality. I'm not nice. I'm kind, and thoughtful. But I am not nice, and I love that for me. I think more women should try not being so damn nice to everyone all the time.

    I say NO often, and often with no explanation or context....because sometimes a NO is just that.

    beelovedone , kues1 / freepik Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Learning to be assertive rather than a doormat is a wonderful thing! Defense class 101, nice and polite won't protect you...

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    Woman joyfully dancing outdoors in casual attire, embracing personal confidence. Not wanting kids or having any maternal instincts. I may have the required parts to give birth, that doesn't mean I want to or that I should.

    redjessa , EyeEm / freepik Report


    Smiling woman in a blue jacket making an OK gesture, embracing confidence and individuality in public. People are starting to get a little worried that I’m now in my thirties, unmarried, and have no kids.

    I have spent 31 years of my life doing what I want, when I want, how I want. I’m comfortable financially. I’m happy. I have a wonderful group of friends.

    I don’t really want a spouse. S**t, now that I’m in my thirties and my libido’s calmed the hell down I don’t even want to date anymore. I’m a very happy auntie just living my best life

    GeraldoLucia , SkelDry / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One thing I've observed about these rhetoric from others, they can't handle that someone dare live a better, freer, easier life than they have decided to live because, in their minds, it's the adult thing to do to overwhelm yourself with responsibilities and meeting those adulting milestones. It's the same when you have a job you enjoy and have fun with. Then they come along with "work is not supposed to be fun".

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor Menswear. I love a good 3 piece suit; I look so hot!

    TwirlyGirl313 , freepik Report


    Woman confidently sanding wood with a power tool, embracing skills often seen as inappropriate for women by society. Woodworking, doing (minor) work on appliances/cars, using power tools, etc.

    I have been building furniture and fixing up random things here and there around the house. When people ask what I have been up to, what my hobbies are, etc, and I tell them, at least half of the responses I get are “ugh, why don’t you let your husband do that?”

    The simple answer is this: because people still ask me that.

    I also love baking, sewing, and s**t like that, but those are things I feel pressure/obligation to be good at. Building/fixing s**t is a task that I am not *expected* to be able to do, and excelling at it (or even just managing it at all) makes my dopamine go bzzzzzzt. It’s a thrill, not a chore.

    onlyhalfvampire , freepik Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love working with my hands! This reminds me though, of how much I really wanted to wash the dishes when I was a little girl, because I wasn't expected to. As soon as I was "allowed" to do them myself, it was a chore I had to do all the time.In high school I not only aced auto shop class, but I was free labor one day a week for staff car repairs, replacing brakes, radiators, rebuilding carburetors, it also became a chore. Now I grow food and flowers for myself, and repair anything in the house or garage that needs it.

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    Woman smiling, embracing a cat, celebrating self-love. Being ecstatic at the idea I may possibly never marry and will end up in an apartment full of cats and dogs.

    IrritatedMango , allahstockspic / freepik Report

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    Black Cat
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds idyllic. You'll have the companionship without the drama.

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    Woman in a white top looking thoughtful, embracing what society labels inappropriate but loves about herself. I don't smile a lot. It's just exhausting. Even at work. I'll occasionally flash a smile to customers and just people in general that I have a favorable attitude towards, but for the most part, straight-faced and just trying to get through the day. My voice is also a little lower naturally and I don't make an effort as much anymore to speak in a super cheery, high-pitched voice.

    On top of that, I'm not very fond of men and I'd be completely fine with never having a partner. I love my independence and alone time a lot.

    riles-s , gpointstudio / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Totally agree. Smiling is exhausting and after a short while it hurts your cheeks.

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    Woman confidently weightlifting in a gym, showcasing her strength and challenging societal norms. In my 30s I decided to start lifting weights. Then I started competing in powerlifting competitions. I had the time of my life! And the confidence boost was so addicting. I'd think to myself, "wait, I just squatted 396lbs in front of an audience and I don't think I can apply for this job? Get outta here!"

    Also - having very visible tattoos, being child free (and surgically making sure of that), owning a home by myself (I'm on my 3rd one), owning my 2nd pitbull, not being overtly feminine, cursing a lot, etc. 

    saturatedregulated , freepik Report


    Woman confidently changing a car tire, showcasing independence and challenging societal norms. Learning stuff that society only expects men to do, for example, changing a flat tire or fixing what's broken...because I realized how essential these tasks were for any individual alongside being able to cook and to take good care of myself.

    IrememberedU , jcomp / freepik Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was "lucky" enough to learn all these things at school and by being forced to do the majority of cooking and cleaning at home before I was kicked out at 17. And yes, NC with most of family since.

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    Woman confidently posing on a chair in a light blue shirt and dark pants, embracing her unique fashion style. Man spreading. Like, it’s just a comfortable way to sit

    MamaShayShay92 , freepik Report

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    Smiley MG
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spreading without balls feels goooood!!! I can only empathise with peeps who have those squished up and NEED to spread their limbs... Poor balls... Lol

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    Two people with tattoos and short hair embracing, expressing self-love and confidence. Being a lesbian, having tattoos, being masculine, not caring for men’s opinions or wanting to be with men or ever needing them, fishing, hiking, hunting, camping, driving fast cars, long boarding, landscaping, mechanics, working with tools, fixing my own s**t and wanting to disable the patriarchy

    Neat-Calendar-7139 , freepik Report


    Woman confidently discussing with colleagues, holding a coffee mug, embodying self-love in a professional setting. Being direct in the workplace. I don't always say good morning, how was your weekend, sorry to bother you, blah blah - I just ask my question plainly or speak up whenever I feel like something needs to be said, especially when everyone is thinking something but no one has the balls [pun intended] to say it. People may not always like it but I know damn sure they respect it.

    I'm like this in my personal life, too. I just say the damn thing or ask for what I want to know so there is no ambiguity. I have no patience for passive-aggressive behavior, it causes so many problems in relationships (familial or otherwise).

    No one every has to wonder where they stand with me. Confrontation doesn't bother me and it doesn't have to be contentious - it's just the most open, direct, effective way of dealing with an issue.

    just_real_quick , katemangostar / freepik Report

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    Dusty's mom
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being pleasant is a good thing for all people. It's your right to be blunt, but know it may be repelling, especially if you're dealing with someone from a different culture.

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor Having visible muscles, I do.

    Arteemiis , freepik Report


    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor Not shaving my legs for months at a time, specially during winter, I couldn't care less!

    stephanieeelewis , freepik Report


    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor I have a deep voice. Which I adore, but it's definitly not something society wishes for in a woman.

    ColdPeak7750 , freepik Report

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    Daniela Lavanza
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In singing, it's a true gift. I have a contralto, very deep voice and having worked it out, I sing male songs far better that female songs. Wonderful!

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    I love that I'm happy doing nothing at home.
    Not sure if this is a women thing but I hate feeling pressured to go out and socialize

    WorstCaseHauntarios Report


    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor I like being tall, 5'11". I look like a super model mixed with an Amazon.

    enbyous_analog , ArthurHidden / freepik Report


    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor I’m a very direct and assertive woman. Growing up I was told that it wasn’t ladylike and that I needed to tone it down. I’m no longer that little girl but a direct and assertive woman. It’s served me well my whole life and I’m happy I never listened to those comments.

    _so_anyways_ , freepik Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh the that's not lady like is infuriating, I had it decades. Now I own it ❤️


    Woman counting money confidently at her desk, showcasing empowerment and self-assurance. Being ambitious, being in charge of the finances. Not scared to take risks. 

    LeighofMar , Photo By: / pexels Report

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor I love my kids but I don’t like kids in general. Also don’t like “mommy”

    its_all_good20 , freepik Report

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    Woman in a green shirt, confidently embracing her body. Having b**bs bigger than D.

    People both men and women will assume you’re a sl*t or loose because your body decide to develop more than the norm.

    If Breast size was correlated with how much sex you had; wouldn’t p*rn star be attached to wheel barrel to wheel their “sex counter” around. Oddly enough, many of the popular ones are in the small size or get breast implants around a D cup.

    Proving that breast size has no relation to sexually activity.

    Breast are marks of women hood, motherhood, sexual maturity and fertility.

    It’s insane that modern society now deem larger breast as obscene or “too much” when they were celebrate on the past to be able to feed one child or other children who lose their mothers to young.

    No one has a choice in their breast size and there very little correlation between weight and breast tissue. There are women who fit in Xsmall where size 32F bras, and women wearing size 24 with 42B bra.

    The biggest thing that changes with weight lost/gain is the band size. The cup size might shrinks if you had some fat around the breast tissue.

    Hikari3747 , jorfer / freepik Report

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    Dusty's mom
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    38KK. When they got bigger I stopped wearing bras because no one sold sports bras or wireless bras that fit. All I could find were clearly made to make men happy, not women. Now I wear a halter top with the bottom tucked under the breasts. It keeps the swaying minimal, which is all I care about. Also, all that constriction might have helped cause my breast cancer. It doesn't run in my family.

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    Woman confidently taking a selfie on a couch, embracing her uniqueness in a comfortable outfit. I’m plus size and always have been. My whole life I’ve received messaging from media and fashion and advertising and certain social circles that “fat” is one of the worst things a woman can possibly be. It’s unfeminine, it’s grotesque, it’s unattractive, it’s ugly.

    But truth be told, I absolutely adore my curvy body. I think it’s the epitome of femininity and abundance and sex appeal and beauty. When I was around 17, I said “f**k it” and actually started *living* that way. And ya know what? I found that the vast majority of people I encountered viewed my body the same way I did. I’ve had numerous lovers over the years (many of whom have been very conventionally attractive) who treat me like a queen and can’t get enough of my body. I’ve found friends who don’t buy into diet culture and who admire my beauty for exactly what it is. I can be fashionable and trendy and cute just like anybody else. People don’t laugh at me or judge me for living my life like movies and advertisements always told me they would. Sure, fatphobia exists, but in my experience, the vast majority of the time it’s a media/Internet thing, not a real life thing. Usually fatphobia comes from a place of somebody either trying to sell you something, or projecting their own personal insecurities onto you. I’m so comfortable in my own skin and people admire that about me. They’re drawn to me *because* of my love for my plus size body, not in spite of it.

    anon , freepik Report

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    Apatheist Account2
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mostly what gets overlooked is that it's unhealthy. Your heart is having to work harder than it should, you may well have high cholesterol, which could lead to heart attacks and/or strokes and shorten your life. Getting you into an ambulance will be harder work too.

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor Being child-free, unmarried, and loving it. I don't center men in my life if I don't have to. I enjoy a lot of activities alone: hiking, surfing, swimming in wild water, going to concerts, going out, etc. I dress for myself rather than for the male gaze. Perhaps the most "inappropriate" thing about me is that I stopped living for the validation and approval of others, and I'm thrilled with my life.

    prometheanchains , freepik Report

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    Woman confidently discussing work with a colleague, wearing an orange blazer, showcasing individuality. Not coddling men. Sorry if you got upset but I’m not going to entertain your dismissive behavior toward me and make excuses for it. You’re an adult and you can pick up the phone if you really care.

    Familiar_Builder9007 , freepik Report

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    Black Cat
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't this just self respect? A man shows he's not interested in you, oh well move on.

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor Having a high sex drive.

    MathematicianNew9111 , cottonbro studio / pexels Report

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    Jeremy Klaxon
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    3 weeks ago

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    Being direct, having great physical strength, and not kowtowing to men.

    Men in particular tend to hate all three of these things, but I love these things about myself. It also makes for fantastic douchebag radar.

    Just-Contribution418 Report

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    I dont care what society thinks about anything.

    FairyGothMommy Report


    Woman smiling proudly with a tattoo in a park, embracing something society finds inappropriate but she loves about herself. As a tattooed woman, I honestly didn’t realize how many men find them so unattractive on women. I don’t surround myself with Judgmental Judy’s either though.

    DJSoapdish , wirestock / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve had a man come up to me like “I don’t like tattoos and piercings” and then just stare at me expectantly like I was supposed to apologize for mine. 😂 I was like “…cool, I guess I don’t like caviar.” We just stared at each other for a minute and you could see him getting more and more confused 😂 “I thought we were sharing things we didn’t like?”

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    Hands holding a jar of orange lentils, symbolizing self-love and defying societal norms for women. Appreciating the value of my physical strength.

    For example, I'm more than happy to exert strength in opening up a jar of pickles (and being proud of myself for getting it done!). I'm not the type that will quickly ask a man to open it for me.

    GalaxiGazer , The Yuri Arcurs Collection / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's not really related to the topic, though. I don't think anyone thinks it's inappropriate for women to open a jar on their own, without asking for assistance of a man.

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    Smiling woman in blue vest with volunteer badge, embracing her uniqueness. Following dreams over money.

    Now, in general, society likes to pretend that it wholeheartedly supports people to follow their dreams, but in my experience, every time I've mentioned I willingly take a pay cut to do things for a non-profit where I could be making double in a corporate world, or they see how much stuff I do voluntarily for absolutely nothing, I get some kind of lecture about how I'm going to want more financial stability in the future.

    I love that I'm a caring person who thinks about the impact of my work, and that I'm not just a cog in a machine working for a paycheque. Sure, I would love more money, but I cannot and will not ever compromise my enjoyment and feeling like what I do matters for a few more dollars.

    PancakeQueen13 , freepik Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Would love to be able to do this but can barely afford rent as it is....

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    Close-up of a woman's armpit with natural hair growth, celebrating self-acceptance and body positivity. I stopped shaving a few years back. I think my armpit hair is lovely. Honestly. Hahah

    LowThreadCountSheets , Cliff Booth / pexels Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter used to shave but not in a long time. It's not something I encouraged. She made that decision on her own. She's tried shaving but doesn't like it. The hair grows back quickly for her, very stubbly and itchy for her. It did eventually get softer. One day, her grandpa says to her "Looks like you forgot to shave your legs." HIGHLY inappropriate and gross. But it just goes to show how deeply ingrained it is in the older generations that women are expected to be hairless. Now, I don't' seem to get armpit hair anymore, for some reason. But I do shave my legs in the summer because the wind blowing that hair makes me itch lol.

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    That I don’t want my own kids, or to just raise in kids in general.

    I have so much love to give that I give to everyone around me. My life goal is to create a farm animal sanctuary where animals get to live out their full lives. I have *so* much love for animals. I’m a doer, so things will always get done. So I think finding a mate to create this dream with will be the most challenging part, as not as many people know how to do basic labor work (or enjoy it at least) anymore. But I’m driven, so it’ll happen regardless. Just… may take years to rack up the cash to make it happen..

    asianstyleicecream Report

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    40 Feminine ‘Faux Pas’ Women Are Flaunting Like They’re Badges Of Honor When I was younger, my female friends would tease me that I wanted to go play with the boys. They were happily staying back to get food ready and gossip, while the boys were outside riding atvs, or jet skis and such. I was SO BORED inside… and I hate gossip and the latest fashion trend discussions. I just never got the “take care of the man” mentality, while they got to play. Ughh. So I stopped caring about what they thought and started dating domesticated men. I’m very much feminine, and love dressing up, just not every day.

    dat-truth , dmytro_sidelnikov / freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I loved running to our school grounds during our lunch break to run around and play. It was mostly guys playing sports and stuff but I never really cared. I would play tag with my friends (including just one other girl) and return to the classroom all sweaty and out of breath. I hated staying in and gossiping with most of the other girls. Many a time I’ve returned with wounds and bruises from falling (our school ground had some concrete areas) that concerned some teachers but I honestly loved getting them. Even as an adult I enjoy being out doing “guy” things like hiking, camping, climbing, etc.


    My "I don't give a f**k about your opinion" attitude.

    And the tattoos🤣

    ApocolypseJoe Report

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    I have no problem saying no. I don’t care about being agreeable when it’s something that is going to hinder me or make me resentful in the future. If my ‘no’ offends people then they aren’t the ones for me *shrugs*

    QuietTechnical4074 Report

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    I love the word 'f**k' and I use it more than I should 🤷🏽‍♀️

    SylT17 Report


    Tats and piercings and Pink hair

    Handful of Male friends

    Grew up camping and fishing

    "Breadwinner" status



    "Sailor Mouth"

    In my mid 30s and still no kids

    Married to a man who's NOT afraid of getting in touch with his feminine side

    BlameItOnTheAcetone Report

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    I don’t have a strong opinion of myself. I know my strengths and weaknesses, but I don’t love or hate myself, which seem to be the options we’re usually presented. It gives me a good perspective on others, allows me to be grateful for what I have, and put work into areas of improvement.

    People who think I should hate myself don’t like that about me, in the same way that people who think everyone should love themselves don’t like it. Both kinds of people seem to find it offensive that I am relatively just ok with myself, but I’m happy with it.

    babythrottlepop Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, there is a very special peace inside in just being me.


    I swear a lot & i have zero trouble standing up to anybody, particularly men. you’re not about to tell me s**t :)

    Little_Red_Sun Report

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    Woman with unique piercings and makeup, confidently embracing her individual style. My piercings! i have about 13 in total w 2 on my face and one is a septum that a lot of ppl (particularly on reddit) seem to hate and think it takes away from my beauty but it compliments my look soooo perfectly! i love it so much, never taking it out

    whichwitchxoxo , Ömer Haktan Bulut / unsplash Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The nose piercing thing always bothers me. It just seems so unsanitary.

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    Being both fat and unable to do makeup. Normally if a fat woman is to have any shot at being respected she has to constantly dress to the nines and do a full face every day. I never got the hang of it and in any case, I quite like my face as is?

    I’ve also been single my whole life, unsurprisingly 😂

    liberletric Report

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    Feathered Dinosaur
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The last line is BS. The more desperate men would settle for anything that has a vag and still breathes. It's good her bar seems to be higher than that

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    I shave my head. Have for years. My hair is curly and unruly and I don’t want to deal with it.

    Annies231 Report

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    My vulgarity. Puts everyone off. Fireman fiancé is obsessed.

    VeterinarianGlum8607 Report

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    Disliking being around kids or wanting to babysit them

    Professional_Ask_453 Report

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    That I'm okay not being stick-thin.

    I've been fat my whole life and even at my lightest and healthiest I was still considered overweight. I actually like being curvy, my husband does too. I hate when everyone acts like I should be dieting or working really hard to lose weight. It really shocks people when they find out I'd be happy just being 170 again. Everyone thinks I should be more like 115-120 at my height but when I was 170 I was swimming 4 days a week, taking on the Disney parks, and wearing not Plus-Size clothes.

    Belle0516 Report

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    Being traditional and old school as a woman who leans liberal.

    Yes I know that used to be the status quo but nowadays people question you if you want to follow certain traditional values. Yes I have a great career but I still want to take a sabbatical if I have children, I enjoy cooking and taking care of the house and I absolutely would take my husband’s last name unless he wants to take mine. And finally, I’m only attracted to men with a provider mentality despite myself being able to provide myself.

    Outrageous_Pie_5640 Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This all boils down to being free to live the life you want.

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    Being polyamorous. Most people think that’s inappropriate for any gender honestly. There’s so much stigma attached to it yet it requires a lot of emotional intelligence that I think would have helped in my monogamous relationships in the past too.

    Also, being assertive. No one expects it and then they learn I’m a bit of a force.

    ClassistDismissed Report

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    Tropical Tarot
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes!!! I recently been more open about it. My family knows my wife and I have an open relationship but they don't know that we have a long distance partner. Or who that partner is. He's planning on coming up here for my birthday so they'll probably find out in a few months.


    Telling men to stfu

    midnightl0ve Report

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    Feathered Dinosaur
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some men really need to hear this more often. Cue mansplainers and down-talkers

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    Woman with hand over mouth, expressing herself confidently despite societal norms. Since I had my gallbladder out, I can burp like a bullfrog!

    PaddlesOwnCanoe , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Weird, i got mine out and most of my burping issues dissappeared.


    Not caring for romance and dressing like a gangster lol

    Poppetfan1999 Report

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    Wearing mini skirt

    aacexo Report

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    Binky Melnik
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish each entry were required to list the poster’s country of origin so we’re not left scratching our heads wondering where these “n’appropriâtes” things are inappropriate. That and their religious affiliations might cure some of our bafflement.

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    Making weak men cry when they treat me poorly.
    No children with no desire to have any.
    Mechanical inclination and a love of all things cars.

    Berserk_Snowboarder Report

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    Woman enjoying outdoor adventure, smiling with a thumbs-up on a scenic road, showcasing confidence and self-love. I travel alone a lot. Usually by hitchhiking, often stealth camping, sometimes bikepacking. Once in a while I'll do a regular backpacking trip with hostels and such. Everyone constantly tells me how dangerous it is, that I should buy a gun or pack pepperspray and blah blah blah. I never carried anything around like that. My wits have so far been enough to keep me safe. Been doing this a long time and never had anything bad happen. I've got tons of experience and funny stories.

    anon , freepik Report

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    Jane No Dough
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do not recommend, used to do this too. It's all fun and games until it isn't. It only takes one wrong move...

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    I love being crass and grossing out dudes that think women should be polite and say eww to things. I like to take people gross comments one step farther, and it honestly upsets men sometimes. I've heard comments about men not finding that attractive or men have said they hope their daughters never speak like that... I love flipping the tables and letting them know how little their opinions mean to me.

    MoysterShooter Report

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    Binky Melnik
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I predict her dating life will be a blast, filled largely with one-and-done dates. You flip those tables, grossing people out. Means more dates for the rest of us!


    When I get drunk and dance on tables barefoot, leading a chorus about heroes past.

    Orual309 Report

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