I Become The First Accredited Professional Photographer Of The Portrait Masters In Poland
Don't give up on a goal just because it takes time to achieve it. Time will pass anyway.
My name is Anna Węcel, and I have been professionally involved in photography for almost 10 years.
I mainly photograph children and families. Recently, I have also developed teen and senior photography and contemporary portraits.
Since photography is my way of life, my client's satisfaction is undoubtedly the most important aspect of my work.
But I've always wanted something more from life. Therefore, apart from commercial photography, I also started to realize my own projects.
As time passed, I realized that it is my personal projects that give me the most satisfaction. The very process of creating, sewing the styling, preparing the entire background made my heart beat faster.
Knowing that my photos' evaluation is very subjective, I started submitting my work to international competitions.
Sending photos to competitions judged by the best specialists in the world can be scary, but the desire to get to know their opinions was stronger than the fear and fear of failure.
This is how I found The Portrait Masters hosted by an amazing Sue Bryce.
This competition differs from similar competitions in the world in that, in addition to the opportunity to win bronze, silver and gold medals and the title of the photographer of the Year in a given genre, you will earn points to be able to earn accreditation and become a professional accredited photographer of The Portrait Masters.
I cannot count how many times I have looked at the map with accredited photographers from all over the world, and I dreamed that one day my name would be on this list.
An additional motivation was the fact that on the map of accredited photographers, there was no one from my country, i.e., Poland.
With each new edition, I worked harder and harder to send the best photographs to the competition.
And finally, in March 2021, I became the first accredited professional photographer of The Portrait Masters based in Poland.
This is the greatest achievement in my career, and the fact that I was the first to introduce Poland to the map of professional accredited photographers makes me proud.
To all those who dream of such a distinction, for whom development and continuous improvement is the obvious path of a photographic career, I recommend wholeheartedly to join The Portrait Masters and try your hand at a competition judged by world leaders in the field of portrait photography! This accreditation is proof that my clients receive photos from me at the highest professional level. Thanks to everyone who contributed even a small part to my success. And the most wonderful family that supports me every day and helps me make my dreams come true, even those that initially seem unreal and impossible to achieve.
I invite you to see some of my highest-rated works. Create your visions, do not be afraid to let your imagination run wild; with your effort, people will surely appreciate your hard work sooner or later.
More info: suebryceeducation.com
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