We all like to think that age is just a number. And it kinda works until you come across a relic from the old times. Your heart starts pumping, and you gotta tell yourself "I ain’t a kid no more."
So when someone started the "I’m this old" Twitter challenge, it blew up in an instant. People started sharing pictures of old-school stuff that best represents how old they’ve gotten. From Myspace accounts and floppy disks to Accelerated Reader and Yogos Bits, there’s a relatable thing for virtually everyone. So let’s go down memory lane, where everything feels so much more recent than it actually is.
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Old School Image Projectors
CD Collection
If any of these objects seem familiar, there’s a great chance you belong to the millennial generation, which covers anyone born from 1981 to 1996. That being said, the youngest millennials are now fully-grown adults. That means we can clearly spot the generational differences in comparison to to Generation X (born from 1965-1980) and baby boomers (born from 1946-1964).
According to Pew Research Center, millennials make up the 2nd largest generation in the US electorate, “a fact that continues to shape the country’s politics given their Democratic leanings when compared with older generations.” In general, this demographic group is “more educated but there’s a sharp economical divide between those with a college education and those without it.”
Class Journals
Apparently, whatever your first choice was, it was never a mine. Never realised that. Just thought I was always lucky.
School Stuff
To compare with their predecessors, millennials tend to be more conscious about their health and general well-being. A 2013 Aetna poll showed that “baby boomers were likely to define 'healthy' as not falling sick.” Meanwhile, millennials consider healthy eating habits and physical activity as the definitions of healthy. That explains why we have seen such a rise in food preferences like vegan, gluten-free, organic, and other natural alternatives.
On the other hand, there’s a steady tendency of decline in millennial homeownership. Business Insider suggests that this is due to the fact that as a whole “they have less money than their parents did at the same age.” According to this report titled “Are Millennials Different?” by The Federal Reserve: millennials have lower earnings, fewer assets, and less wealth compared to baby boomers.
Car Radio With Removable Front Piece
VHS collection
Some ppl have mad skills on these things! It blows my mind. I could barely make anything recognizable! haha
Watching Movies On VHS
Can Phone
Cassette Adaptors
TV/Game Computer Switch
Laser Pointers
Practical Jokes
Movie Classics
So Old School It's Vintage
Snap Bracelets
Cherry Bombs
Skydancer Barbie
Robo Pets
Juice Bars
Cheating Prevention
I had to use these when I was in 1st-3rd grade and i´m 13. They may be old but their still in use today so...