Many artists discuss difficult themes through their works, making their viewers think and look at problems from different angles.
Stephan Schmitz is a conceptual illustrator Zürich, Switzerland. Stephan uses colors, shapes, optical illusions and sometimes even visual puns to tell complex stories in single images. Most of his images have a surreal feel to them, showing what could hide behind the reality.
Take a look at some of his works below.
More info: Instagram
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What Most People Don't See
Failure is the ladder to success, but one should clean up the mess, or you can slip and break your neck!
Loneliness And Social Media
The superficiality of social media relationships taking away from what we most need - real connection.
Accepting The Things You Can‘T Change
Father-Daughter Relationship And Unconditional Love
As a woman who has never known her father- he disappeared while I was still to young to have any memories of him- this one makes my heart wistfully sad.
Sexual Abuse In The Armed Forces
Fixing It
„I Don‘t Care About Facts. I Have An Opinion!“
Moods Wings
Veterans Working In Regular Jobs
Psychological Abuse In Relationships
Different Beliefs
This also reminds me a lot of the issues families have to deal with when faced with a family member having an eating disorder. The ramifications it has on such close relationships and how it can tear them apart so easily.
„I Married The Wrong Woman“
Finding Extraterrestrial Life
Impossible Love
There was actually a Greek myth about this, though slightly different. A sculpture wanted a woman that was perfect for him, and disliked all the women he knew, so he sculpted his ideal woman, with the wish she would come alive. The goddess of love, Aphrodite, granted his wish.
Record Summer?
Are You Scared Yet?
What Lies Beneath The Surface
University Issues
Will International Corporations Take Over Parts Of The Public Service?
Loving A Man With Asperger's Syndrome
Misophonia - A Condition Which Makes You Allergic To Certain Sounds That People Make
I didn't know this was a thing- but now I think I have it. The sound of someone clicking a pen over and over-arghhh!
Dangerous Chemicals In Foodpackaging
They say dihydrogen monoxide is the most dangerous. It accelerates corrosion and can cause suffocation. Yet it's such a common ingredient in everything...
Woman Extorting A Man Emotionally For His Money
Afraid Of The Dark
Leaving Family
Marriage Problems
Too Much Theory Being Taught At Universities
Overcaming Fears
Zen Living
Virtual Reality
Pharma Money Can Bias Drug Approvals
Declining Places
Ooo this one's cool. There is a certain charm in decaying places though. They are sad, yes, but it's always like they hold some sort of mystery and even if you know most everything about them you just can't help wondering - who lived there, what did they do, like, hate? What memories do these crumbling walls keep? With a non-abandoned place, even if it's old but renovated and all, you just don't get that vibe somehow.
Difficulties Getting Around In A Wheelchair
Cyber Crime
Fetal Monitoring
"He May Not Be There For You In Difficult Situations"
Less Is More
Influencing Decisions
Stuck In The Welfare System
Caught In The Welfare System
The Relativity Of Time
Outsourcing Daily Chores
people have been "outsourcing" chores since the beginning of time. it's just in the last few hundred years that we pay for it instead of forcing it on someone else.
Becoming A Celebrity Through The Internet
"Hope You Die Well"
International Divorces
Promising Evening
Graves Disease
The Future Of Music?
Brush The Dust Off And Keep Going
A lot of times that's the only thing we can do. Bind up our wounds and hobble on...
The Next Big Computer Virus
The Risks
"Even Though He Loves You And Cherishes Your Relationship You May Never Get A Commitment"
Being Alone Vs Loneliness
Individualism it's a wonderful thing, specially for an introvert. There's nothing wrong to love being alone.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Debate Club
Interfaith Marriages
The rings should be connected, or overlapping with the couple in the middle shared space.
Splitting Into Two
Looks to me like a political divide: she's a Democrat and he's a Republican. Just my interpretation.
Suffering From Depression
Breaking Up But Still Sharing An Appartment
Zen Living
Graves Disease
For each person I've met with Graves Disease, they each seem to have their own story of how the disease affected them. Mine goes in remission for long periods of time, only reactivating during times of extreme stress. I had none of the eye problems, but developed some strange skin issues. My biggest hurdle has been trying to get doctors to stop dismissing my every complaint as 'Oh, that must be the Graves.' and also, people close to me dismissing my emotions as 'Oh, that must just be the Graves'. I never let them burn out my thyroid.
Worker Safety
Unlawfully Fired
We need to push for more unions. It's long past time for workers to unite and use our powerful aggregate voice to finally swing the pendulum away from management and back to the workers where it belongs. I've worked union jobs and, believe me, I never felt more secure at work. I'm not one to misuse privileges, and it felt good to be recognized as such, rather than treated like an expendable idiot child.
Today's Students
This makes me think of my son's future. What kind of work will there be? If any? He is 14 and i am so worried. People of my generation are having to move back home and there are millions of us fighting for the same jobs. Truly a scary thought.
Small Spaces
Outsourcing Daily Chores
This would have been better if she had been sat in a chair with her head down completely engrossed in her phone screen
Investment Strategy
Rising Stocks In Retail
Doctors Who Diagnose Themselves
The Magic Of Coincidence
"If coincidences are just coincidences, why do they feel so contrived?" Mulder, X-Files.