Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding—yet challenging—things you can do in life. Raising your munchkins to be semi-decent members of society is a tough mission, especially while you’re also juggling work, chores, and whatever remains of your hobbies, fitness, and social life. But it’s all worth it in the end.

To show you some of the joys of parenting and how brilliantly creative children can be, Bored Panda has collected some of the coolest examples of kids doing, saying, and writing funny (and sometimes bizarre!) things. Kid logic feels very different from how we operate as adults, and it’s a good reminder for everyone to have a bit more fun in their lives. Scroll down for the most amusing pics and remember to upvote your fave ones.

We reached out to parenting blogger Samantha Scroggin of Walking Outside in Slippers, and she was kind enough to tell us about how parents can have more fun at home with their kids without necessarily going out, as well as how to move past any guilt that you're not a 'perfect' parent. You'll find the awesome insights she shared with Bored Panda below.


When Your Three Year Old Tells A Man At McDonald's That His Pants Are Falling Down

Young child humorously eyeing a customer at a fast-food counter, showcasing hilarious-kids moments.

Spike4134 Report


    She Said "Look Mom!" So I Looked And She Was Posing Like This. I Think My Daughter Has Some Talent

    A child playfully pretends to punch through cracked pavement, creating a hilarious-kids moment.

    mimige908 Report


    This Child Is Hilarious

    Twitter post about hilarious kids with a humorous dialogue between a child and a parent, hashtag #mumlife.

    elspells13 Report

    "I am as guilty as any parent for feeling like we need to go places to keep our kids entertained," Samantha, who runs the witty Walking Outside in Slippers blog, opened up to Bored Panda in an email.

    "But I feel like my kids often have the most fun hanging out at home, roller skating around the block, or playing with the neighbors," she said.

    "When I play a board game with them or we do family karaoke, that's when the real fun begins. Spending time with our kids can be as simple as a family dinner with no phones allowed."

    Samantha noted that quality time together doesn't have to cost you money. Nor does it have to involve driving places.


    Respectfully Upset

    Text about a toddler's funny reaction after knocking over a chair, highlighting hilarious-kids parenting moments.

    skeletaldecay Report

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    Aroace tiger (she/they/he)
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yk what you got the message across and now shes improving her way of expressing her emotions. Shes going to be very emotionally intelligent one day

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    Some parents feel pressured to be 'perfect.' So, they worry that they might not be 'as good' at parenting as other people that they see online or in real life. We asked Samantha for her thoughts on how to let go of this perfectionist mindset.

    "Any parents who give off an impression of perfection are faking it, pure and simple," she told Bored Panda.

    "We all have our struggles, and hopefully our triumphs. It is freeing to be vulnerable with other parents and admit your doubts and challenges," she said.

    "You might find, like I have, that being open enables better bonding with fellow parents."


    Kids Are Brutal

    Tweet shows a funny interaction between a parent and their kid, highlighting Hilarious-Kids' innocent humor.

    momjeansplease Report

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    Bob Brooce
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait until you stop crying enough to say "no" and he starts listing the other things.

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    Kids Are So Funny And They Don’t Even Know It

    Funny tweets about kids’ misunderstandings, with a nephew confusing ‘parole’ and ‘patrol’ for a National Guard mom.

    HandyMouthful Report

    Every family’s approach to raising children is going to vary, but some broadly accepted truths get you the best results. Ideally, as a parent, you should aim to raise kids who are confident, independent, resilient, empathetic, and capable. On the flip side, you want to avoid situations that might eventually make your children lose their self-esteem, disrespect all authority figures, or approach life with anxiety rather than purpose and clarity.

    That’s easier said than done. Nobody’s perfect. Everyone’s human and makes mistakes. But as a parent, you really do need self-awareness, intent, and to pivot when you realize you’re messing up.

    There are four main parenting styles that researchers generally single out: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved (also known as neglectful) parenting.

    In simple terms, the first style is the best, while all the others are imbalanced, fulfilling only a part of the kids’ needs and wants. Meanwhile, the last one is the most damaging to a young child’s self-esteem and can have negative repercussions for their entire adult life.


    Not Sure If Stupid Or Genius

    Funny kids' creative writing assignment ends with a squid's demise instead of a school story.

    alliandoalice Report


    My 4 Year Old Niece Can't Read And Bought Me This Birthday Card Because It Featured "A Cute Dog With A Party Hat"

    Husky with a birthday hat and humorous text, celebrating with hilarious flair.

    Bubbaloosh Report


    I Think We Need To Make Naming Our Brains A Thing. Pure Genius

    Tweet by Marcy G about a funny story involving her 7-year-old child naming their brain Jeremy; hilarious-kids anecdote.

    BunAndLeggings Report

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    E S
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've named my stomach Budapest. It's the capital of Hungary.

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    In a nutshell, authoritative parenting focuses on a balanced approach that mixes love, support, connection, responsiveness, and transparency with clear rules, expectations, and communication. It’s a fair approach where the parent takes the time and energy to engage with their children’s feelings, not shying away from explaining to them why certain rules exist, why they shouldn’t be broken, and what will happen if they are.

    Generally, authoritative parents raise children who go on to be independent, confident, well-adjusted, and socially competent adults. That being said, there’s no such thing as a ‘perfect’ parent. The authoritative parenting style is the most time-consuming and requires a lot of effort.

    If you sometimes fall short of your ideal standards, try not to beat yourself up over it. Just learn from your mistakes and do better. Be kind. Be patient. Be nurturing.


    Who Wants A Boring Medal? Not This Kid

    Tweet about an 8-year-old's funny reason for losing the spelling bee, emphasizing candy over a boring medal. Hilarious-kids moment.

    UnstableIsotopeU-234 Report

    If the authoritative style is the North Star of parenting, guiding everyone, then the authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved styles are what you want to avoid as much as possible. According to research, authoritarian parents generally value only one-way communication where they set very strict rules for behavior at home and outside of it. They have very high standards, don’t tolerate mistakes, and want their rules to be followed without question.


    Back In The Day

    Tweet capturing a funny moment with a child joking about Netflix DVDs and the internet. Hilarious-kids perspective on old technology.

    zimmer_donald Report

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    Ge Po
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, yes, it did. (Or you had to walk/bike aaaall the way to the library. Or the playground/hangout.)

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    Sudden Realization

    Tweet with a humorous story about a 3-year-old's hilarious misunderstanding involving a family pet dog.

    missmulrooney Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I came to an easy reconciliation and acceptance of learning I was adopted when I was 7 by saying "Well, we adopted Split [our dog] and SHE'S family, so it's the same thing, right?" XD

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    My 8 Year Old Daughter Is Trolling Me

    Coffee maker with humorous stick figure and snowman mug, showcasing Hilarious-Kids theme.

    phasesINphases Report

    Generally, authoritarians aren’t very nurturing. They’re also rather inflexible and dislike negotiations. Kids who grow up in these sorts of households tend to be well-behaved and are good at following instructions.

    That being said, this parenting style can also raise young adults who are aggressive or shy, socially inept, and struggle to independently make decisions. Their self-esteem can suffer. Alternatively, authoritarian parents can also raise kids who rebel against any and all authority figures when they grow up.


    He's Cute Though

    Text conversation showcasing kids' hilarious logic about aging and smoking. Report

    On the other side of the scale, you’ll find permissive parenting. It’s a style that focuses on being nurturing, warm, and supportive while avoiding too many rules or expectations. In short, these parents see their children more as their friends than as growing human beings for whom they’re responsible.

    Less discipline and fewer rules can lead to some pretty harmful consequences, such as unhealthy eating habits (and the resulting health issues and obesity), and a lack of structure when it comes to homework, bedtime, and screen use. There’s a general disregard for moderation and too much impulsivity, entitlement, and issues with self-regulation.


    Would Not Stop Crying Until She Got Her Own Cone Of Shame

    Hilarious kid and dog wearing cones, the child holding a toy, creating a funny moment at home. Report


    Right In The Feels

    Tweet about a funny interaction with a child struggling to write a paragraph, highlighting hilarious kids' logic.

    XplodingUnicorn Report


    Valentine's Day Card From A Student

    Child's funny drawing and note thanking a teacher for pushing them to their "goals", with humorous stick figures.

    hate_mail Report

    Uninvolved—aka neglectful—parenting is the worst of the bunch. It centers around a very hands-off approach. These parents may or may not be able to fulfill their kids’ basic needs. They’re usually emotionally detached or otherwise disengaged from their children’s lives.

    At home, there are very few expectations (if any…) and there’s little to no nurturing to be found. On the plus side, kids raised by uninvolved parents are resilient, self-sufficient, and independent. But the biggest drawbacks are that they might grow up struggling with emotional regulation, academic achievements, and social relationships.


    You Be Whatever You Want To Be, Buddy

    Child with face paint resembling a traffic light, showcasing a humorous moment. Hilarious-Kids.

    Jessrassic Report


    I Think That Kid Knows Something You Don't, He Knows What He's Doing

    Text post about a kid's funny name spelling mishap in kindergarten.

    crowlily Report


    My 8-Year-Old Cousin Put This Note Up On Her Bedroom Door

    Handwritten sign by a child saying "Don't come in without knocking please" with funny spelling mistakes. Hilarious-kids moment.

    UseOnceandDestroy27 Report

    Self-empathy is very important for exhausted, overworked, and burnt-out parents to have. You have to take care of yourself and your core needs (food, sleep, etc.) before you sacrifice everything for your loved ones. When you’re well-rested and content, you’re in a much better position to support your family. When you’re chronically tired, you end up being frustrated, sometimes feeling unappreciated and might end up lashing out. If you need extra support at home, be vocal about it.


    Financial Planning

    Tweet about a kid's funny question to the tooth fairy, shared by a user.

    kristabellerina Report

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    Bob Brooce
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, but some real people will pay very well, and you can get by with one kidney or only half of your liver.

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    My Daughter Backed Into A Light Pole And Promptly Got Out Of The Vehicle And Fled The Scene. Her Very First Hit And Run

    Child hilariously stuck in a toy car in a garden, capturing a funny childhood moment.

    Grace-Face13 Report

    What are your thoughts, dear Pandas? What parenting styles have worked best and worst for you? How do you deal with the challenges that raising kids involves? How do you make sure that you're documenting all the best memories before they grow up? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!


    My Son's Journal Entry Today

    Child's drawing in a diary says "nothing happened today," featuring a simplistic figure with raised arms. Hilarious kids moment.

    hinga-dingadurgen Report

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    Glen Ellyn
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the drawing, though! Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    She Had A Flashback

    Tweet screenshot about a 3-year-old's delayed reaction to a bruise, shared by @itsnourbby. Hilarious-Kids moment.

    itssnourbby Report


    My Daughter Insisted On Watching The Cookies While Waiting For The Oven To Heat Up. She Stayed Like That For 10 Minutes

    Curious child stares intently at a tray of cookie dough balls in a cozy kitchen setting. Hilarious kids moment.

    junkyardpig Report


    I Thought I Lost $350 And Then Three Months Later I Found It In My Four Year Olds Room

    A toy cash register with play money, representing hilarious-kids playing store games.

    Bigmacleafs14 Report


    Took My Daughter To Get Ingredients To Bake My Wife A Birthday Cake. Then She Saw The Decorative Edible Eyes

    Funny cake with googly eyes and colorful sprinkles, reflecting a hilarious kids' creation.

    eh8904 Report


    It Sounds Like She Respected Your Advice, Though

    Tweet about a daughter's funny comment on her mom's seriousness, highlighting Hilarious-Kids moments.

    niknyxx Report


    My 10 Year Old Daughter Loves To Set Her Barbies Up In Elaborate Scenarios. This Was The Scene On Our Back Patio The Other Day. These Ladies Have Been At This For Hours

    Dolls posed in yoga positions on a concrete surface, creating a funny scene inspired by hilarious-kids' creativity.

    KoraWhore Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Kids Inherited My Childhood Toys, And Only My Daughter Wants To Play With "Dolls". Action Man Is Now Loving The Sweet Life

    Toy astronaut holding a green plush frog in a colorful playroom. Hilarious-Kids themed play setup.

    ChrisDnmnm Report


    Found This While Helping My 5 Year Old Son Clean His Room. He Said It's For "Just In Case"

    Toy set with orange water gun, play money, and toy phone in a metal box. Hilarious-Kids play essentials.

    USMC_0481 Report


    My Girlfriend's 9 Year Old Daughter: "I Invented This So I Don't Have To Stop Playing Videogames To Drink My Water". I've Dubbed It The "Pwning Pouch"

    Child humorously drinks with straw, holding a game controller, embodying hilarious-kids theme.

    badduderescuesprez Report


    My Kids Made A Snowman And Found Halloween Eyes

    Snowman with a carrot nose and funny eyes, created by children in winter, showcasing hilarious kids' creativity.

    Evil0city Report


    That's Right, Kid. Nobody

    Screenshot of a tweet about a funny conversation with a nephew explaining the number 69 as a meme.

    sylvar Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When the the song “Tootsie Roll” came out I was young and I said out of nowhere in front of my Dad and older sister “69 is the place to be” my Dad smacked me, my sister laughed, and I had no idea WTF I did to get smacked. We laugh about that often.

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    My Daughter Is Planning Her First Sleepover. I’m Concerned About #2

    Handwritten sleepover to-do list by hilarious kids, including pillow fight and baking.

    impostervt Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, but if they don't summon a demon the rest of the night probably won't be any fun.

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    My Son's Letter To The Toothfairy

    A child's funny note apologizing for eating their tooth.

    Beethebarbarian Report


    Had A Sneezing Attack And My Daughter Made Me A "Potion" To Feel Better

    A cup filled with markers and ice, illustrating hilarious-kids' creativity and playfulness. Report


    I Found This In My Son’s Room. Should I Be Concerned?

    A small jar labeled "madness" on a shelf, featuring a turquoise string, showcasing a hilarious kids' idea.

    skucera Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No problem with that little jar. I keep my madness in a 50 gallon drum.

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    Left For 10 Minutes, 6 Year Old Cousin Decided To Help

    Child's humorous drawing of a sad face on paper.

    lveMcFallen Report

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    This Eight-Year-Old Is Going Places

    Two handmade booklets by kids titled "The Fart That Killed Everyone," showcasing hilarious-kids creativity.

    S1NCLARE Report


    To Be Fair, Most People Never Pack Nearly Enough Kaleidoscopes For A Trip

    Tweet by Julius Sharpe about hilarious kids, mentioning a packing mishap with no underwear and two kaleidoscopes.

    Ill_Earth8585 Report



    Tweet screenshot featuring a funny conversation with a 7-year-old about cooking skills.

    XplodingUnicorn Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    these one suck; there is no way to confirm thats what they said, and it honestly always sounds made up.


    Fair Question

    Funny tweet capturing a kid's hilarious question about cat anatomy.

    queenofaerobics Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You cant go to sleep with your head full of trascendental questions!

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    For The Love Of God, I Just Want To Wipe

    Realistic fake spiders placed on toilet paper in a bathroom prank by hilarious kids.

    middleagedmomdoesstuff Report

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    Kids Started The Day By Bringing Me Black Coffee (With Soy Sauce), Then Followed That Up With This Zombie Image Behind My Cars Back-Up Camera

    Car backup camera displaying a hilarious unexpected spooky figure.

    scd635 Report


    Kids In Summer School Are The Best

    Text exchange between kids during recess humorously highlights counting error and spelling confusion.

    Wha_She_Said_Is_Nuts Report

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    When I Was A Child I Went To The Zoo And Drew This Monstrosity

    Child's funny drawing labeled "Duck" depicting a simplified bird outline.

    Sol_957 Report


    My Aunt Just Shared Her Son’s Assignment With Me

    Child's humorous worksheet response with drawing, featuring a sketch and reasons for not serving in the military. Hilarious-Kids. Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Younger Brother, Everyone

    Sign with "Shall we play a game?" above an empty toilet paper holder, showcasing hilarious kids' humor.

    Purple-Smart Report


    Just Found This Contract In Our Playroom, Written By My Older Son And Signed By My Younger Son

    Child's handwritten note on paper, humorously stating game agreement, illustrating kids' logic.

    Phishstyxnkorn Report

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    How To Cook A Turkey By 6 Year-Old Me

    Funny turkey recipe written by a child, featuring simple and amusing cooking instructions. Report


    My 2 Year Old Using Her Binoculars To Look At Ants

    Child sitting on the ground wearing a yellow shirt and using purple binoculars, embodying a hilarious kids moment outdoors.

    Squareinapair Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hehe. Looks like she is even looking through them backwards like "Wow these ants look like gnats from all the way up here"

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    My 4 Year Old Shows Off Her Spelling On Netflix

    iPad screen search for Moana shows kids' movies, including Coco and Lilo & Stitch, creating a hilarious-kids moment.

    She comes running in to brag she can spell Moana. Not sure whether to facepalm or be proud, she's technically not wrong.

    coldasglacier Report


    My Son Feeding His Fake Dog Goldfish While His Real Dog Sits Outside

    A child playing with toys indoors while a dog watches through the glass door. Hilarious-kids scene.

    forester1983 Report


    My Son Didn't Approve Of The Class Valentines Cards I Picked So He "Fixed" Them

    Hilarious kids' Valentine's cards with funny edits from Henry, featuring hearts and pink designs.

    burningisntfun Report


    I Wrote This About My Dad When I Was 6, My Parents Will Never Let Me Live It Down

    Kids' humorous dad description with cute handwritten answers about his favorites and special qualities.

    Sweetheart846 Report


    The Prank My Kids Played On Me This Morning

    Kids' spilled drink on a laptop with a princess cup nearby, creating a humorous mess.

    momcavetv Report

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    Carilyn Beverly
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To me a good prank is funny but doesn't cause harm/damage. I think this qualifies :)

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Rain Can't Stop Me

    A kid wearing an umbrella hat swings joyfully in the backyard. Hilarious-kids moments captured in play.

    nick_gawthorpe Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had one of these; there's a picture somewhere of me in my umbrella hat and a tutu.


    My Kids Made A Poster For Their Rap Group

    Kid's funny drawing spelling "Basement Rapers" in large letters on a sketchpad.

    RoboticistJay Report


    When You’re 10 Year Old Plays A Prank On You

    Hilarious-Kids: Child's face with funny drawings reflected in a heart-shaped mirror.

    courtney_is_boring Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Seriously P.sharma? This is what you took away from this? This is funny dammit!

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    Thankfully, I Forgot To Take Out The Recycling. Think I’ll Hold Onto This Rare Find

    Child with a cardboard box on their head sits humorously in a blue bin, wearing colorful striped pants. Hilarious kids scene.

    kelliohara Report


    It’s Bad Enough I Have To Worry About Kendra, Dylan And Luci In NY, Now Their Toilet Has Started Smoking

    Toilet humor setup resembling a face, featured in a Hilarious-Kids theme.

    pavementprincess3 Report


    This Is A Picture I Took When I Was Young

    Distorted face of a child shouting with mouth wide open, representing hilarious kids in a funny moment.

    toasty_toast_toster Report