nothing :)


That I have a TikTok account



How I actually set my living room rug on fire when I was 15. It was a small fire, was able to put it out quickly, but it was DEFINITELY noticeable. I told my mom I had lit some candles and knocked them over by accident. Not really the best lie, but I was young and my mom was coming home very soon! She was understanding, she was just glad I wasnt hurt. But what ACTUALLY happened was I was lightning the notes my ex boyfriend gave me on fire as some dumb 'cleansing' ritual. I did light candles, but what I left out was how I had put a pot that I put the notes in, poured nail polish remover on them, and then threw in a match. Well surprise! Big flame, I got startled and knocked it over when I jumped up. I know if I told her now, she wouldn't get mad...but I don't know if I want her to know how stupid her daughter was haha. 😔
