My dog barks and cries whenever my dad leaves the house. Do you have any advice? Music made to calm dogs doesn't work.


My dog had separation anxiety as well. Try to give him snacks before your dad or anyone else leaves, that way he will associate people leaving the house with good things.

You could also try desensitizing him to triggers of people leaving (putting on shoes, coats, car, or house keys) by dressing up in your outside clothes and then just taking them off and continuing to be at home. Moving the keys randomly, not just before leaving, so he doesn't associate the sound to you leaving anymore. Try to leave the house for like 5 minutes, then coming back. Then 10 minutes and coming back. That might also work.

Also, make sure to always walk the dog plenty before leaving and that he always has toys to play with and has access to his favorite spot in the home! If the dog is young leave him at home as often as possible, that way he will learn to be alone.


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I wouldn't say my dog has separation anxiety, but he definitely hates being alone. One thing I found to work is that we would play with them just before we left, so that they would be very tired, and just nap while we were gone.


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You could get them a separation anxiety toy or vest. My dog had really bad separation anxiety... he ate a whole couch cushion, but after we trained him he started to calm down! hope this might help a little.


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Put a slightly tight shirt or vest for thunderstorms on your dog. You could also give him a shirt or other clothing item that smells like your dad.


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